Going on a date with Loki

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Loki and Y/N's relationship had been a whirlwind of romance and adventure ever since they first met. They had been inseparable, sharing their passions for art, books, theatre, magic you name it. They had stood by each other through thick and thin, and nothing could come between them.

One day, Loki surprised Y/N with the pick of her dream date. She had taken months to plan it and had made sure everything was perfect. From the moment Y/N woke up that morning, Loki sent her little clues that hinted at what awaited her.

She had left a beautiful (f/c) rose on her bedstand with a note that read, "Meet me at your building entrance at six." As Y/N made her way down to the entrance, she found her love waiting for her, wearing a stunning long black dress with golden embroidery and a small golden lock hung loosely from her neck. Her raven hair was styled in loose waves that cascaded down her back.

"You look beautiful," Y/N said, grinning from ear to ear.

"As do you, my love even more beautiful may I add," Loki replied, taking Y/N's hand and leading her to a beautiful vintage car parked beside the curb. The car purred to life as they settled inside, the soft light of the city streets illuminating their faces.

Their first stop was a small café that Loki had discovered. The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans wafted through the air as they walked in, Loki's hand in her love's. The cosy warmth of the place enveloped them, and they settled down at a small table in a corner.

As they sipped their coffee, they talked about everything under the sun. From their favorite books to the things that made them happy. They laughed and joked, enjoying each other's company in the best way.

Their next stop was the natural history museum. The museum had a special exhibit that Loki had discovered. It showcased the many facets of Asgard, with real artifacts that SHIELD had deemed "safe" and interactive displays that would make anyone's heart race with excitement.

Loki led Y/N through the exhibit, showing her the many artifacts, telling her the stories and legends that made Asgard the place it was. They laughed and had fun, taking photos with replicas of Thor's hammer and Loki's staff.

As the night wore on, Loki led Y/N to a hidden gem - a rooftop bar that overlooked the city. The city lights shone like jewels, the air was cool and crisp, and the jazz band played soft music that filled the air.

They ordered their drinks and sat down at a table overlooking the vast city below, lost in the ambiance of the place. Loki took Y/N's hand, looking into her eyes with so much love and tenderness that it stole her breath away.

"Y/N, I meant what I said earlier. You are everything to me and more. I cherish every moment with you, and I know there will be many more adventures we will undertake together."

Y/N smiled, feeling all the love she had for Loki bubble under the surface. "I feel the same way, Loki. You are my rock my forever."

They leaned in for a gentle kiss, lost in the passion that each held for the other. The night was perfect, and neither of them wanted it to end.

But there was one final surprise. Loki had arranged to have a hot air balloon ride over the city just as the sun was rising.

They arrived at the field just as the sun was beginning to break the horizon. The balloon was enormous, and the basket was big enough to fit Loki, Y/N, and the pilot. As the balloon was prepared, Loki took Y/N's hand and whispered, "This is going to be the most incredible experience, be prepared."

As they ascended, they were transfixed by the view of the city. From the sky, the city looked magical, and they both felt as though they were in a dream. The colours of the sunrise were spectacular, the hues of oranges, pinks, and purples spreading across the horizon like a watercolor painting come to life just for their eyes only.

They sat in a comfortable silence as they flew over the city, enjoying the sounds of the wind and the swoosh of the flames that propelled the balloon. For Y/N, it felt like she was experiencing the world anew. With each moment, she fell deeper and deeper in love with Loki.

As they landed back on solid ground and the balloon was deflated, Loki and Y/N hugged each other tightly. The experience had been extraordinary, but more than that, she had shared it with the most incredible person in her life.

As they made their way back to Y/N's apartment, Loki held her close, whispering sweet words into her ear. They knew that no matter what the future had in store for them, they would always have each other.

The sunlight started to stream in through the windows of Y/N's apartment, marking the end of the most magical night. They knew that their love would continue to grow and flourish, and they both vowed to make every day as unforgettable as this one.

Loki and Y/N's date was a fairy tale come true, a moment suspended in time that they both knew they would cherish forever. For Y/N, it was a moment that would always serve as a reminder that no matter where they went or what they did, there was nowhere on Earth that felt as good as being together.

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