I went to look at the ruble of my computers as Adam brought Lily a robe. "James, Why is he not in a cell." I walked over to her, "he's started a new course. One of peace. He's become a hero."

"when did that happen?" asked lily? I looked down, "your consciousness was being transferred. lily, the last four months of your life. There gone and I cant get them back. I'm sorry." Lily turned around to try and take in the shock, "Can I ask a question?" I said, "of course." Lily turned back to me, "there was a man. He was important to me. Do you know who he is?"

"no," I lied, "we're back in starting city. How about you get dressed and go out. get your land legs back and see if you remember all of the people who live here." She nodded her head then left.


Major city's were rebuilt in a matter of a few years thanks to the iron legion. Tony built a specific suit of armor to help rebuild. Once the major cities were finished the iron men swept through the rest of the country then to the rest of the world. With Ultron gone the last of the American government banded together. There would be an end to masked heroes. A new age was coming, and with that pain and suffering.


A man walked of the stage then to the center of the room and said, "we must know who they are and above all we must know what they can do!" He looked around the room and listened to the applause. Once everyone quieted down Tony stood up from his chair, "so i stand here today," he walked to the center of the room, "one man. to pledge to you. I will do what i can to make the world a tiny bit less frightning." The crowd began its applause again.


Steve and Agent Hill sat in an office. Steve had just about enough of this meeting and stood up then said, "you're asking me to arrest people who risk their lives for this country everyday." hill stood up and damn near knocked her chair over, "no. I'm ordering you to obey the will of the american people, captain!" shield agents walked in with guns at the ready. he said, "Weapons down, gentelmen!" steve dove for his shield then started running as agent hill yelled out, "take him down, take him down!"


Mahattan City Streets

Press Confrence


"my name is peter parker, and i have been spiderman since i was 15 years old. I'm proud of what i do," peter paused for a moment, "of who i am," he scanned the crowd, "and i'm here to prove it." Peter unmasked himself and the crowd went wild.

---Time Square---

Lily looked up at the giant screens to look at the national news brodcast that interupted all the ads. The anchor for the news looked down for a moment. it was as if he needed to compose himself. After another minute he looked up and straight into the camera and said, "thor," another minute passed, "thor has fallen in battle. he is no more," raleigh looked around at the crowd of people staring at the screens. all of them in awe from what they had just heard.

Instead of joining in on the sorrow she quickly left. Heroes were dropping like flies and if she was a target, then she needed to leave and find somewhere safe. But where, all the people who could possibly help her are the people she didn't remember.

---Avengers Tower---

Wolverine sat in a room with several of the avengers talking about what was going on. he then said, "the mutant community is staying out of this crap." tony spoke up in anger, "you're also an Avenger Logan."

A voice from the back of the room says, "The fantastic four have been public since the very beginning."


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