Chapter 13

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Adam walked into the lab with a change of clothes and a tray of food, "you know we need to leave. It's been 3 days. You've been out of that machine for 2 of them." Lily walked up to Adam with a towel wrapped around her, "don't you lecture me Adam. I'll go back when I find my brother. I don't need this. After the hulk went hulk to that city. I don't need to be the one to put him down when Veronica gets destroyed."

"So you decided to wait and hide. you're the smartest person I know." Lily smiled then Adam said, "its been 2 days. Lily, you have to go back. You have to be with Steve." Lily looked at Adam a little mad, "why is this so important to you?" Adam looked down, "do you ever wonder why there are fragmented memories. Why you can't remember me completely?" Lily shook her head, "you may not be able to read my mind, but that doesn't mean you can't see it on my face. go back to the man who can give you a future. Save the world. Let them see the hero you've become. Forget about me. I'll only bring you down."

"You've become my friend Adam. Why would I give you up. I may not remember you, but that doesn't mean we can't try. Adam I don't know who I'm meant to be with. I thought it was James. I thought it was Steve. Now I do t know." Adam looked Lily in the eye, "I'm not going to let you find out. I'm not interested anymore. You moved on and so have eye. I just. Oh never mind. Go back to the good captain and make something of yourself that the world will love."

Lily didn't say anything. Instead she went back to Clint's barn.

Clint's farm

Lily appeared on the porch as Steve and tony were chopping wood. When Clint saw me he handed his tools to his son and hurried over, "are you alright?" I nodded my head, "lets get you inside. Get you some water."

"I'm ok. Just," Lily wiped the tears from her eyes, "I got some sad news. That's all. Clint," Lily turned to him and smiled, thanks." Clint nodded his head then went back to his son as Lily walked out to Steve and tony. "You two going keep arguing, or are we going to stop Mr. Stark's robot." The two turned to me then tony said, "you're." I smiled, "hi boys." Steve walked up to me and kissed me, "I'm happy you're ok."

I smiled, "I'm happy to see you captain," I turned to Tony, "so what now?" Before tony could say anything Ms. Barton walked up and asked tony to check out the tractor. Tony left and said, "don't take from my pile." I smiled when I saw it pissed off Captain Rogers. The two were having an argument before... well now something was brewing and I knew a war was coming. Not ultron, something far greater that a war of the world. We rebuild, we move on. A war much worse lies on a battle field in your front yard, a civil war. Captain Rogers, and Mr. Stark were headed on two completely different paths. Unfortunately, I would be the one stuck in the middle of it all. I would be the reason this war all starts. My... well as a wise woman once said, "spoilers."

"Captain?" He looked at me, "are you ever going to call me Steve?" I smiled at him, "yes. Steve, I need to tell you something." He stopped what he was doing then said, "you act like this is the end of the world." I looked down, "it might just be. I just want you to promise me something," I looked back up at him and looked him in the eye, "If I die here... if the worse case scenario happens and I die... I want you to promise me that you wont blame anyone. especially tony." Steve paced his hand on my face, "where is this coming from?" I placed my hand over his, "I've seen a path, a dark path. You and Stark started on it when that thing attacked all of us in the tower after the party. I saw it when you and stark and the others started fighting about Ultron. Please. If I die today. Promise me you wont put blame on anyone. Being an avenger, being a shield agent, winning that scholar ship all those weeks ago. I'd do it all again. Even knowing the end of my story. I'd do it all again, just to meet you." Steve leaned in and kissed me, "I promise." I smiled at him as we walked inside to discuss matters with the director of SHIELD, Nick Fury.

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