Chapter Six

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I headed to the cafeteria and picked up my usual salad, Diet Coke, and cookie combo. Niguel was already sitting at his usual spot, so I went over to see him. "Hi love," He said. "Hi Niguel" I smiled and sat in front of him. 

"How have you been since the party?" I shrugged "I've been good, nothing much. You?" I saw him smile and I knew there was something. "What happened?" I smirked. 

He rolled his eyes and smiled "Let's say... I didn't end up in my bed after the party Saturday." My eyes widened. 

"What? Niguel, did you?" 

"Yes," He paused and smiled proudly "I did. And Ana, let me tell you that the guy was something" I cut him off "No no no no no I don't want to know Niguel" I laughed and covered my mouth with my hand.

Emily erupted at our table and sat brusquely next to me. Niguel and I both looked at her. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. She sighed deeply. 

"She's so freaking annoying, I hate this woman!" She rumbled. I frowned 

"Who?" I asked, not understanding who she was referring to. 

"Who?!" She repeated sarcastically. "Mary-Kate! Who else could I be talking about!" 

Niguel frowned and Emily continued. "She is so mean and for what? It's even worse than before! Ever since last week, she went from being an annoying employer to a total bitch I swear-" She complained but Niguel cut her off. 

"Emily, don't you think you're exaggerating a little? I mean, she's not the type of employer to buy coffee for her employees, but she's not that-" Emily interrupted him. "Not that what? Are you kidding? Maybe you're saying this because she likes you! Do you know what she just said to me?" 

Niguel raised his eyebrows and shook his head no. 

"She said I was taking too many breaks when I'm taking as many breaks as the others are taking! And she's the one who takes 10 cigarette breaks a day!" Emily raised her voice and Niguel and I both made a hand sign to make her lower her voice. "Shhh Emily she might hear you." 

"I don't even give a damn if she hears me." She sighed.

During this whole conversation, I stayed quiet. Mary-Kate never blamed me for the breaks I was taking. She even asked me to take one with her this afternoon. I have to admit that she might be acting oddly sometimes, but the way Emily is talking about Mary-Kate seems a bit unfair to me.

Emily looked over at me. "What do you think Ana?" I raised my head. 


"Tell me you agree with me." She said and I thought for a moment. 

"I..." I stopped. I didn't want to say anything bad about her. Not that I wanted to defend her, because that wasn't the case. I just didn't have any encounter with her which brought me to the point of bragging mean things about her. "You know, I've only been here for a week, and I've barely seen her, so I don't know." She nodded. 

"Oh, speaking about that Ana" Niguel gave me a look. "Yeah?" 

"Weren't the twins walking over to you when I left the party". I started to think about the moment Mary-Kate approached me that night, to see the dress. My heart started pounding in my chest. 

"I... uh... yeah they went to say hi..." I stumbled over my words. 

"Nothing more?" He questioned while Emily was staring at me. 

"Why would there be anything more?" I asked, wondering if there was any hidden intention behind his question. 

He shrugged. 

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