•(only adding this part for the sole purpose of vance being a big fat lover of pets. also because it contributes to the plot at the end. this is very real and NOT fake..)•

Instead of going to Bruce's baseball game, Vance went over to Robin's house. He figured Bruce wouldn't want him there. Besides, Vance didn't want to ever see Bruce staring at him with a face full of fright ever again.

Vance knocked on Robins door after calling him to make sure it was okay. Robin said he didn't care, but informed him that Finney was over too.

"Hey, dude," Robin said when he opened the door and moved aside for Vance to walk in. The first thing Vance noticed, was the small cat Robin was holding.

"When the fuck did you get a cat?" Vance asked as he entered the house and kicked off his shoes.

"A few days ago. My uncle saw it in the streets and took it home. My mom wasn't so happy but now she loves this thing," Robin explained.

"Does it have a name?" Vance questioned.

"Well everyone calls him Sal but I just call him cat because he is one," Robin shrugs, leading Vance into his living room. Finney was sitting on the floor and leaning against the couch.

"How creative," Vance tells Robin. "Hey, Finney," Vance waves to him.

"Hi!" He responds with a smile. Finney stands up and moves to sit on the couch while Vance takes a seat at the farthest end.

Vance had already told Robin about what he did to Bruce over the phone, so he wouldn't have to mention that while he was over.

Robin took a seat in the middle of the two, being closer to Finney.

The cat was put down on the couch and he made his way over to Vance, where Sal lied down next to his leg.

"Dude your cat's being weird," Vance frowned as he looked at the cat.

"I think he just likes you," Robin said with a laugh.

"I don't like cats," Vance stated. However, an hour later the cat was sleeping on Vance's chest while he was petting him.

Robin's house phone began to ring, and since Finney was closer, he picked it up.

"Hello?" Finney spoke into the phone. There was a pause before Finney glanced at Vance, then quickly looked away. "Yeah," he said.

Another pause. "Let me just put Robin on real quick," Finney said, then handed Robin the phone. "Yo," Robin spoke.

"Yeah, that's okay!" Robin said happily after a while of silence. He then hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Vance asked, becoming curious. Robin and Finney glanced at each other before settling their stare towards Vance.

"No one important," Robin shrugged, then looked to tv where he had a random channel on. Vance nodded slowly and went back to petting Sal.

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on Robins door. "Go get that, Vance," Robin told him.

"Alright," He shrugged and picked up Sal and put him on the couch.

When Vance opened the door, he saw Bruce standing there. Vance froze, unsure of what to say or do.

"Hi.. Can we talk?" Bruce asked. "Yeah, hold on," Vance nodded and quickly told Robin he was leaving. After pulling on his shoes he walked outside.

Together the two walked down the sidewalk, heading towards Bruces house.

"You didn't come to my game," Bruce broke their uncomfortable silence. "I didn't think you wanted me there," Vance responded.

"I did want you there," Bruce said.

"I'm sorry. I seriously didn't mean to hurt you. I was so caught up in the fight and if i'd have known you were behind me I would've never swung. I'm never going to hurt you like that ever again, I swear," Vance told him, turning his head to look at Bruce, who was already staring.

"I know you didn't mean it. It was my fault, really. I should've known better than to put a hand on you when you're fighting. I don't know what I was ex-"

"No. It's not your fault, don't say that," Vance cut him off. "It never would've happened if I wasn't so fucking angry at every little thing. I'm messed up, I know that, and i'm sorry you got hurt because of it."

Vance had turned his gaze over to the sidewalk he was walking along.

"It's okay, Vance. I understand," Bruce said. Vance didn't respond, or even look at him. How could he possibly understand and still be okay with it?

After a few minutes of silence, the two had arrived at Bruce's house. Vance was glad they went there. He had a few more things to say that he didn't want the public hearing.

Bruce's parents were in the living room while Amy was upstairs, and Bruce, not wanting his family to notice him coming home, went right up the stairs and into his bedroom.

Sitting on the bed, Vance glanced at Bruce. "Do you still like me?" He asked. Vance couldn't comprehend how he possibly still could.

"What? Of-"

"That's probably going to be the worse you're going to see me, and it was bad. I get it if you don't want to be around me anymore," Vance spoke, interrupting Bruce. His gaze had turned over to the floor.

"Vance.." Bruce spoke softly, causing the other boy to look at him with curiosity. "Of course I still like you. I told you, I know you didn't mean it. I'm not just going to avoid you because of one small accident, i'll always stay with you, no matter how bad you're feeling or however your fights may escalate."

Vance nodded slowly. He was glad Bruce felt that way.

Bruce took Vance's hand in his own and gave him a quick kiss. "In fact, how would you feel about being boyfriends? Officially?" Bruce asked once he pulled away. Vance smiled at that.

"I'd feel greatly about that," Vance told him, keeping his smile. The two were about to share another kiss, until Bruce's door was opened, causing the two to jump away from each other.

"Um.. okay! Bruce I was hoping i'd get a chance to talk to you about what was bothering you at your game today," Nina said after she opened his door.

Vance looked towards Bruce, then back at the floor. Was Bruce really that upset about him not showing?

"I'd better get going," Vance spoke while standing up. "I'll call you later," he whispered towards Bruce before heading towards the door. He waved a small goodbye to Bruce's mom before going out of sight entirely.

Bruce knew from the look on his mom's face, he was going to have to answer a lot of questions.

very sorry i'm taking so long to upload, i was at my cottage, then my cousins house, so i haven't been able to write. i do have until next monday off from school so taking the fact i have 0 life into consideration, i'll try and just finish the book of in general this week 🙏

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