Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ XXXI

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A/n: Hello my dear readers, sorry it took me this long to post another chapter, but let's hope that when the new spooky month episode is released I'll have more motivation to write, since that's how my brain works apparently. Also, Happy new year, cannot belive that it is 2024 (this book was created in December of 2022 for those who are reading this in the 'future')

Anyways, just wanna say that I watched all 3 of the 'main' httyd movies, so... Yeah 👍

Warnings: this chapter mentions blood and gore, although not in too much detail. If you're sensitive to that kind of stuff.. I suggest you don't read

December 29th 2022

I anxiously tapped my pen against the coffee table, looking across all of the papers I had spread out, each of them holding important information about the thing I've had the displeasure of dealing with

"This is pointless." I mutter to myself, angerly slamming my pen on the coffee table, making it shake as some papers, that were hanging off the edge, fell to the floor

I roughly sat down on the arm chair, my hands finding themselves in my hair af I let out an exhale

My whole body felt at least ten times heavier, but it wasn't anything new at this point

I rubbed my eyes in exhaustion, looking around the dark room that was dimly lit by a couple of candles I managed to find. Sure, I could've used the flash if my phone, but what's the fun in that? Maybe if I fall asleep the candles will put me out of my misery and burn my room to the ground

I stood up, stumbling a bit from the numbness of my legs. I took a couple of deep breaths, deciding to just walk around my room as a way to stretch

This night has been exhausting. I made the "smart" decision of staying up all night to study the thing, and to just be awake if I were to get a call from either Caden or Aiden, since now there's this whole other sittuation of Caden seeing weird things

So, with all of my notes, the conclusion is: I'm fucked

The only weakness I could find was the damn bracelet and light. The bracelet is long gone, nowhere to be seen, and the light technique can only work for so long before it gets fed up and just crushes me

I thought that maybe it would have weak points. But, considering it's freakishly skinny and tall figure, the only thing I could think about was hitting it's ankles of breaking it's wrist, if I can even manage either of those

Everything was just so.. Exausting

I wanted to lay down on my bed, with no worry nor care in the world. Wanting to just pass out and sleep for a entire month, without the disturbance of the monster

But, of course, that probably wasn't going to happen. Because nothing ever goes my way, that's just a fact

I'm brought back to reality once hearing three distinct knocks on my door. My head shoots towards the sound, my heart racing

I quickly rushed to my phone, looking at it with shock to see the time reading: 9:57 AM

I slowly walk over towards the door, squinting and taking a surprised step back the bright light that makes itself present

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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