eshanth's outfit for the meeting
After getting ready eshanth went down to the hall looking like a whole snack,demi god, eye candy and what not he looked perfect

Eshanth went and sat next to his father his father looked amazed by the features of his own son, he was looking so perfect even the gods would let their daughter marry him
thinking this his fathers eyes got wet but he didn't show it afterall a king shouldn't cry infront of his subjects(maids and guards were also present there)

Just then king ravindra entered and both son and father got up and went greet him and his family maharaj ajay asked ravindra singh as they sat on the sofa "aapki family kidher hai"(where is your daughter )
Ravindra singh replied "they are coming in few seconds"

(play gulabi aankhen)

Just then the whole hall filled with sound of soft anklet and beautiful lavender smell, a beautiful girl in lehnga walked in who looked like a angel, a beauty that couldn't be described in words,her every step held confidence and bold aura, her one smile would make anyone's heart flatter
Just one look at her and anyone's heartbeat would stop
And Eshanth was no exception

As she entered and Eshanth looked at her he felt something different around him, something different in the air which he never felt, he couldn't take his eyes off her. Just then they made and eye contact that gave sparks in eshanth's body , he felt like he just wanted to look into those brown eyes forever and ever
If her eyes are ocean Then he was ready to drown in it
He was not in his own control the only word that was roaming in his head was "beautiful...." he never felt like this about any girl, it was something new something hypnotizing which he himself couldn't notice
eshanth was brought out of his thought by Mahendra's words "muh baand kar warna makhi ghuss jaaeygi"(close your mouth or else a fly will come in your mouth)
Eshanth looked at Mahendra with a annoyed face "I know I ruined you your mood but focus on the meeting she is about to say something" just then Eshanth looked at her she was sitting infront of him

eshanth's pov
I was so done with this meeting even before it started I was lost in thought's just then I heard a sound of anklet and a beautiful girl came in my view she looked breathtaking, instead of lost in my thoughts I got lost in her beauty, her smell, her looks , the way she walked everything looked so mesmerizing I couldn't help but think only one word beautiful , I never felt so off guard so lost in someone else especially a girl many girl tried to impress me but she without doing anything she gained my attention, I just didn't wanna look away from her, it felt like a scene straight out of a srk's movie just then she sat down in front of me it just felt like I wanna be her's, wanna make her mine forever and ever

eshanth's povI was so done with this meeting even before it started I was lost in thought's just then I heard a sound of anklet and a beautiful girl came in my view she looked breathtaking, instead of lost in my thoughts I got lost in her beauty, ...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

bhairavi's outfit

She looked elegant and perfect, she greeted my father respectfully
And then our fathers asked us to go and talk in person I got up while looking at her with a slight smile on my face and then led her to the guest room as we entered she said in her honey voice "toh kunwar sa aap kaise hai.....kya aap shaadi karney key liye raazi they" eshanth in his head "gosh her voice....please speak more....your voice is so makes me forget the world" I shook my head to bring me out of thoughts I turned around but words got stuck in my throat as our eyes met I just wanna stop this moment right here

Flash back bhairavi's pov as she entered the hall
As I entered I didn't want them to think I was nervous so I gathered all my courage and went inside gaining all the attention on me .My heart started pounding I felt nervous but I kept my head high not letting them know my nervousness
Just them my eyes landed on a demi god, looking so perfect , handsome as hell and those veiny hands were added more beauty to him,those plumpy, that perfect jaw the aura he held, he was as if he is gods most beautiful creation just then our eyes met , those eyes....were mesmerizing,hypnotizing........handsome
As I sat infront of him I secretly glanced at him gosh he was out of this world just then our father's asked us to talk in private
He led me the way and I followed him like a lost kitty

End of flash back

In the room
As eshanth turned around their eyes met and for a good 5 min they were lost in each other just then bhairavi toh kunwar sa aap kaise hai.....kya aap shaadi karney key liye raazi they eshanth turned his gaze in other direction and said "I dont think I have any objection with this marriage....and I dont want to ask any unnecessary questions to you....and also in this marriage I wont be able to give you the husband's love and a perfect marriage but I can asure you that you will be respected, cared and have freedom in this relationship......I would respect it if you mind your own business...if you want you can reject me.." eshanth said to her in stern voice at first she looked shocked but calmness took over that expression when eshanth looked at her she just gave him a sweet smile and turned around to leave as she was about the step out she quickly took a glance at him and a smile curved on her rose petal lips

bhairavi's pov
As he completed his thought I was shocked at first I was being rude to me but I calmed my self I know he is hiding himself from me don't worry you won't be able to hide more I know what I have to do now
As I turned around and I quickly glanced at him
"dont worry.....sher I wont let you go so easily"
As I went down he followed me
I saw my mother also she looked at me and I gave her a smile
"hamey yeah rishta manzur hai"

Eshanth's pov
As I followed her down she reached the sitting area so did I but what she said next got me shocked she said yess and I dont know why but I also said yes and our parents got very happy bhairavi's father gave me a hug and said take care of her
I gave him a node and then I looked at bhairavi

As they both agreed to the marriage they both stopped and looked each other in the eye as if they were talking with their eyes eshanth couldn't recognize but both of them were looking at each other with so much love in their eyes as if they were long lost lovers
They both exchanged numbers and their parents started talking about the date and other rituals.....but the two of them couldn't help but take glance each other every second as bhairavi and her family got up to leave eshanth couldn't help but feel his heart getting heavy but he couldn't understand why as they were about to sit in their car and leave bhairavi stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at eshanth

Eshanth -: "bhairavi ji..." bhairavi -:"eshanth ji...."

Two people fell in love without even knowing if its not fate then what

But maybe destiny has more to show,maybe it doesn't want the same

Authors note
So are they already inlove.....
Will this bond will reach their happily ever after easily
Will their be some crazy twist too
Will eshanth be able to save everything
Is their someone who wants to destroy them if yess then who

I hope you all are liking the story so please vote each and every chapter
If you all will support me then I would be able to write more and more good chapters
Please vote the chapters

1993 words

Jaan - e - JaanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ