Chapter 17 Twilight. (Baised on the book and the movie)

Start from the beginning

4th Gym with Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper. Which is so much fun, have you ever imagined a bear throwing a dodge ball, while you try to dodge, it's not a good feeling.

5th Language Arts. With all my siblings.

6th Art with No one .

Maybe having to go to school isn't so bad. We were all late. As we where heading towards the lunch room I decided to make small talk.

"I wonder what's for lunch?" I asked out loud. Emmett turned towards me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Maybe Tyler or Mike would like it if you had them for lunch." He suggested in a teasing tone. I barred my fangs at him. Which received a wack on the back of my head. Rosalie. Tyler has like this creepy obsession with me. My siblings laughed.

"Rosalie," I whined. "Control your husband."

"Nope" She said. We walked into the lunch room and immediately I heard a soft voice ask someone something about us.

"Who are they," A feminine voice said.

"The Cullen's," Someone whispered back. Ah! I know that voice. Angela Weber. She is so sweet to me. We actually hanged out a few times.

"They're um. . . Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids," Ugh. I hate that voice. Jessica. "They moved down here from Alaska, like, a few years ago" Okay that's not true. We moved from Pennsylvania.

"Hey where's Edward?" I asked Alice. He was here just a second ago.

"OH! He'll be here Emily. Don't worry." She told me. I nodded and waited for Alice and Jasper to get there food. I listened back to the conversation.

"They kind of keep to themselves. Except for Emily. She's the only one that's not really shy." Angela said.

"Yeah, 'cause they're all together. Like. together, together. The blonde girl, that's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett they're like a think," Jessica said. I rolled my eyes. You have no idea. "I'm not even sure that's legal".

"Jess, they're not actually related." Angela said. Thank you. Someone who has some sense.

"Yeah, but they live together. It's weird."

I felt someone tense next to me. Jasper. He really hasn't been doing to good. No slip up's so far. But it still hurts him. "It's okay Jazz. Alice and I are hear. Alice can see if something happens, and I can compel anyone who see's anything." I told him. Alice looked towards Jasper and kissed his check. She made a disgusted face at the pizza. I don't no what they are complaining about, Its not that bad. Alice pulled Jasper to our table. I followed behind quietly, but still listened to there conversation.

"And, okay the little dark-haired girl Alice. She's really weird," Don't kill her. Don't kill her. How dare Jessica say that. She doesn't even know one thing about my sister. I felt a wave of calm come over me. Thank you Jasper. "And she's with Jasper the blonde one that looks like he's in pain. And that's Emily. To me she's a bitch." Stay calm. Dad would be upset.

"Jess she's actually really nice." Angela said. Thank you!

"Dr. Cullen's like the foster dad slash matchmaker."

"Maybe he'll adopt me" Angela teased. I chuckled. By this time we made it to out table. I sat down next to Emmett. But I still listened in case we had to get out of here. Where the hell is Edward?

"Who's he?" I finally noticed that her face was new. So she must be the new girl Bella. I looked to my left and saw that Edward was finally here. He came in and walked towards our table.

'Thank god your hear. I was getting bored.' I thought to him. He had a slight smile on his face. So I new he heard me.

"That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently nobody here's good enough for him." Jessica scoffed. I rolled my eyes. Wow! jealous much. Only because Jessica tried flirting with him. Emmett and I teased him. Which led to fighting, which led to be grounded. "Like I care, you know? So, yeah. Seriously, like don't waste your time."

"Wasn't planning on it" Bella agreed. But I heard her heart beat. She was lying. Edward looked her way. He had a frustrated look.

"I can't read her mind" Edward whispered. Well that's a first.

"Who Bella," I asked. My family turned there heads to me.

"You know her.?" Rosalie hissed.

"No Rosalie I heard her name from the school. If you were paying attention, and stopped looking at yourself in the mirror for once maybe you'll hear things." I hissed back at her. Emmett put a protective arm around her. So she wouldn't do anything she regrets. We both know I could take her in seconds.

"Maybe your losing your touch," Emmett teased. I giggled.

"Maybe you need a antenna," I teased. Emmett laughed. His booming laugh. A couple of kids turned to look at us. Rosalie smacked his head. He rubbed the spot and pouted. " Ow Rosie what was that for?" She rolled her eyes at him.

'Edward' I thought 'Don't worry maybe she's just different, maybe I could test her or smell her as weird as that sounds. Maybe see if she is a Lycan or like me. Okay?' I saw him nod his head.

Okay I have to smell her. Wow never thought I would say that to anyone.

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