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                          Love at first sight

                          Love at first sight

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Sira's pov

This school ear was going pretty well for me, I can't say that for the slitherins I prank.
Regulus and Narcissa Black are the only ones that I like.
Christimas is coming soon, me and Regulus write to eachother constantly, likewise with Remus and Cissy, with Sirius not that much because he is always in detention or making pranks like me, he always mentions in his lettere one of his best mates, James Potter saying that he would dye to introduce us like he says: two of my favourite people meeting each other.
Me and Regulus are planning to see each other in France, where I have a house and hopefully to make Regulus escape from his parents forever.
We made a plan:  going home on the 22th, packing all his stuff and (for me) stealing some sweaters form Sirius wardrobe, waiting for everyone to fall asleep and materialize in France.
I look at the clock, 6:45, because I couldn't sleep so I now decided to wake up my roommate, Daisy Evans, her sister Lily and I are on non-speaking terms for now over a year.
I jump on her bed " c'mon strawberry e
wake upp, the sun Is rising and-"
She trew a pillow at me making me fall and afterthat we make eye contact before starting laughing.
"good morning flower, even if my name is a flower and yours a star"
"yea, but you know that for me you always be strawberry, you are a redhead and you smell like strawberry, with a obsession with Christmas candles"
she rolled her eyes at me before kicking me out of my room.
"go and eat something flower!"
"fine fine"
In the common room I find a rare example of Remo Lupin eating something that isn't chocolate, how creative is that right? their parents wanted to mech the two of them so one is the English version and the other one the Italian.
"morning dear lunatic"
"morning flower"
"want to go eat something with me?"
"mhh yea sure, tomorrow Is the full Moon"
I give the boy a "i know" look, he and Remus have the same condition, they were together when grayback made his move.
We are now on our way to eat, when Dumbledore aproches us.
" Miss Snape and Mr Lupin, would you like to come with me?"
me and Rem look at each other giving a "did you do something that I don't know of?".
"umh.. Yea sure" the boy said and reluctantly we followed the older man.
We arrived in his office and sat down.
" Do you want a cup of tea and some biscuits?"
he asked. Both me and Rem took one biscuit, while eating it Dumbledore started:
"Sira and Remo, you two are brilliant, so I'm here to offer you the same thing that I offered to miss Evans. would you like going to Hogwarts? Remo, you cousin will explain to you what will happen in you monthly period and Sira, I know for sure that in Hogwarts you'll find yourself even more than here, what do you say?"
me and Remo looked at eachother before responding simultaneously
"we accept".
"good, I knew it, Sira, because you are a Quidditch capitan I have something to propose, the others already agreed"
After a while me and Remo went to get ready before going home since the lessons had already finished, the three of us since daisy is coming too are now making a last tour of our school before saying goodbye.
We we're reviewing all the memories that we made here.
the next day we hard to leave for Christmas, Dumbledore made something that I'll never forget, he made us leave like the seventh years, with the boat.
The ride home was pretty much nostalgic.
"Will this be like when we'll live Hogwarts?"
Daisy said.
"I think that it will be more nostalgic, but I have an idea, what if we mark this cabin with our names? uh? we went back and forth with this same train in the same cabin every year since I can remember" I said.
"you know what? I'm in, what about you strawberry?" Remo said.
"wow, if you aren't following the rules, you know I'm not going to follow them too"
so like that we marked our cabin before leaving that train for the last time.
At the black house I was immediately punished by walburga and after that I went to pack with Regulus who didn't know what had happened just a few minutes prior.
"what is with the long face Reggie?"
"Siri! oh dear Melin! Do not try to scare me lime that again or I'll make you regret it" he said before hugging me, and I hugged him back.
"aww I missed you too"
the two of us laughed softly before finishing to pack, she now was in Sirius' room selecting herself some sweaters, when she saw a hidden  photo with him, Remus and two other boys.
She took that with her hoping to make Sirius happy giving that back to him.
Now that they where finished packing they didn't go to eat and already to sleep, that waited awake in their beds before getting up and exiting the house successfully.
"Reggie, whatever will happen, just know that I love you like my brother, and you'll always have me" the boy smiled at me and I smiled at him back before hugging eachother and materializing hopefully in France, but I wad between a gigantic castel and a dark forest, tonight was the day before the full moon, Reggie was nowhere to be seen do I decided to go for a walk in the forest.
I heard some voices and I ran towards them when I saw Regulus but I fell before arriving to them, I closed my eyes before the impact, but the impact never come, someone had cached me, I opened my eyes before meeting a pari of hazel ones and I smiled.
"Thank you..."
"Sira? you too?" I recognized the voices of Remus and Sirius before chuckling lightly.
The boy who had caught me let me go and hugged Remus.
"Hi moonboy"
"Hi to you too flower, what are you doing here?" he said before hugging me back. I smiled and looked at Regulus.
"I may have ran away from home, you know the usual" I said refering to Sirius who gave me a "wtf is happening" stare. I letter go of Remus and Sirius hugged me too tightly.
"I missed you Siri and I don't know how to thank you for taking Regulus with you"
"I missed you too Sir, the thing was mostly planned by Reggie and by the way, I can't breathe".
Sirius chuckled letting me go and giving me a peck on the check making me smile, having my brothers not by blood with me.
"actually Regulus, why the fuck aren't we in France?"
"You didn't give me the address darling"
"language" Remus said to me.
"yea yea, Sorry Moonboy" Sirius looked at me and at Remus.
"does she know about you know what.." Sirius said to Remus who shaked his head for a yes, meanwhile she gave to Regulus the address of there house in France.
"You are going to France?" the boy with the glasses and hazel eyes asked me.
"Yes, I have a house that my mother left me before she died"
"Oh i'm sorry to ear that.."
"you don't have to be.. what is your name?"
"James, James Potter and you are.."
"Sira, Sira Snape" the boy looked at me like I was telling the most obvious lie when Remus looked at Sirius and started laughing. The two made a bet if James would believe that she was Severus' sister or not, Remus had won that bet.
"you really are snivellus' sister.."
"half-sister actually and as you can see I took the best genes in the family" I smiled at him only to have a warm smile come back.
"it was nice meeting you James but I have to go now, bye" the boy hugged me and that hug made me realize how he smelled: chocolate, broom wood, smoke, a very good cologne and mint. I hugged him back before hugging Remus and Sirius too, saying my goodbyes.

James' pov

I was in the forest with Remus, Sirius and Pete looking for a new palce to go tomorrow with the full moon when someone apparted, Regulus who explained to Sirius what had happened and the two hugged. I head someone running towards us, before I knew I saw a girl almost falling and I cached her, when I looked In her eyes my hear made a flip, never when I saw Lily I felt that way, she had almost grey eyes.
After she spoke with Sirius and Remus I asked her "are you going to France?" because I remembered that my parents have a nice holliday house there.
we spoke a little when she said her name my jaw dropped, she was really Snivellus' sister? She didn't look nothing like him nor her character was a little even like him.
I hugged her, I don't even know why I did it but I was with it, she smelled like vanilla, something that he would never guessed in his entire life she smelt like broom wood and a little of smoke and some expensive parfume.
The two said goodbye to each other and she and Regulus apparted.
Sirius went to screech for Pete and Remus approached me.
"Ohh love at first sight"
"I saw how you looked at her dear prongs"
"what are you saying moony? I like Evans, no I love her since the first year"
"Whatever helps you sleep at night prong but when you come to me for advice for her you'll have to give me tons of chocolate"
Remus left letting James to think about that girl he just have met.

Flower (James Potter x oc)Where stories live. Discover now