CHAPTER 57 | Peace In My Life

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I couldn't sleep at all the whole night because I kept tossing and turning, thinking about all the mess that was happening in my life. Everything is just too much for me and I just need some peace and quiet. Auntie Nomusa left after she prayed and I have no idea where she went too, I just hope she didn't go to Hlanga so they could fight. I don't want them fighting cause those two people are very close to each other.

I know auntie is mad at him but I also know she loves him and he's disappointed with what is going on. Aya is also mad at his father and I'm really worried about what is going to happen in their relationship when we finally tell.him what is going on. I head downstairs and she's still not back. I make breakfast for myself and Aya. I wish Blessing or Walter were here then I would eat an amazing breakfast. Eggs are a non, no  because the smell is just too much.

I hear a car pulling up, I don't bother to check who it is because I think it's auntie Nomusa back from wherever she was at. I finish making breakfast and realize that she hasn't walked in the house. I go to the sitting room, look through the window and see Hlanga's car parked. Aya must have forgotten to tell him he's not going to school today. I walk back to the kitchen, take the tray and head to his bedroom.

When I get closer I hear him shouting at the person on the other side of the phone, his father and he is angry. He sounds like he's about to lose it and say something he will later regret.
“.......she's carrying my little brother or sister and you….”
I open the door. “ Ayabonga!” I call his name. He quickly hangs up.
“ Ma…..”
“ I thought we talked about this, why are you shouting at your father Aya?”
“ I wasn't shouting at him ma….”
“ Aya, you weren't raised this way. Never, ever talk to your father that way. You will always show him respect no matter what”

“ But ma, he hurt you. I asked him and he didn't even deny it”
I sigh. I put the tray on the dressing table then sat down on his bed.
His phone rings again and I'm assuming it's his father.
“ Answer it and apologize”
“ No”
“ You shouldn't get involved in adult fights nab, especially with what is happening between your father and I. We will solve our problems and we will sit down with you and tell you what is going on. Just focus on your exams baby, please”

“ You are going to sit me down and tell me that you and dad are no longer together? That we are never going to be a family ever again?. Is that it mom?”
“ We are always going to be a family regardless of what happens between your father and I.”
“ But what if you and dad end the relationship and you meet someone else, what's going to happen to me because didn't give birth to me mom and what if he makes you choose him over me?” Oh my God.

He sniffs. “ Come here, sit next to me” he reluctantly does.
“ I may not have given birth to you but you are my son Aya. I would never ever let anyone make me choose between my children and them. If it ever happens that maybe I meet that kind of man then he's not worth it. If a man loves me then he will love me and all my children. Don't you ever worry about your place in my life. I will always put you and this little person I'm carrying first. No matter what Ayabonga.” I cup his cheeks and wipe his tears.

“ I love you very much Ayabonga, you are my life, I live for you and everything that I'm working towards is all for you and your siblings. No one will ever take that away from you. Okay baby?”
“ So you don't love dad anymore, it's over between you two and that's why he's not here with us?”
I sigh. “ Aya, I love your dad very much. He's the only man I have always loved and forever will but sometimes love is not enough, baby. People hurt the people they love sometimes. Your father and I are going through something so I asked him to give me space to figure things out. That's why he's not here. Whether him and I are going to get back together again, I don't know but you will understand when we sit you down and tell you what's going on”

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