e: never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about

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"Ack my head hurts..."


You woke up at the school clinic and slowly getting up, you feel your head throbbing in pain,


You grimace and just in time, the nurse enters.

"Oh, he left..." She says after not seeing the red head anywhere in the room, "Well good morning to you, L/n Y/n, the transfer student... correct?"

"Oh yes" L/n fixes their posture.

"You had a panic attack." She informs, "Well overall you're pretty normal but if you still feel any aching feelings or any problems, you're free to stay here for a while" the nurse explains but L/n panics when noticing the time,

"Oh no! I'm fine, thank you for taking care of me but I already missed a subject on my first day! Gotta go!" L/n rushes out of the room leaving the nurse with an unfinished response,

"I wasn't really the one who took care of you though... Well, it doesn't matter"

The day had finally finished up and exhaustedly walking down the hallway, a seemingly familiar figure appeared in your line of sight,

'Huh, he looks familiar...'

You thought but when he spun his head around,

left you in absolute awe.

'It's the angel that saved me earlier' you thought, recalling the exact same red-head that you saw before passing out.

One day,

after your transfer in the powerhouse middle school, Teiko,

you faced a certain crimson-haired boy and proposed.

"Marry me" the words left your lips unexpectedly but you didn't question your own choice of words.

He was taken aback but regained his composure almost immediately,

"Excuse me?"

The red head gave the girl a small smile.

"Marry me" Y/N L/n repeats.

"Do we know each other? You must have mistaken me for someone else"

"I'll prove myself worthy to be your spouse so marry me" you seriously inclined.

He remained calm, looked you in the eye, and with a serious tone...

he answers,

"Prove it."

"Will surely do" you grin.


AKASHI-SAN! MARRY ME PLEASE!" a sudden yell was heard all over the school campus.

Akashi lifts his head at the sudden call of his name.

"Huh who's that" everyone looks outside the windows of their class rooms to see YOU on the track field with a very HUGE sign that spelled out


in big bold capital letters and a hearty background, definitely made by an amateur because it was clearly handmade,

Gee they wonder who made it.

Everyone had started gossiping and muttering with each other, gosh even the teachers' attention was caught.

Akashi walks up towards the crowd and of course everyone laid a spot for him already.

He immediately spots you on the field and was internally screaming 'wtf' but no one knew that of course.

He took a pen and a piece of paper from thin air and wrote down a very stylish 'No' in a print font and raised the sign on chest level with a scary smile plastering his face.

You frowned at the response but as they say,

Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about.

So, you kept going of course.

Marriage doesn't exactly come easy.


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