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If you are reading this, then you've heard me out and accepted Orion as your nephew, for which I could never thank you enough. I can understand that seeing me may have thrown you through a whirlwind of emotions, and if I accidentally revealed your adoption before your parents had the chance, I am severely sorry; I never meant to do that. However, if you already knew, then I'm glad I got to see and talk to you at least once, no matter how short my visit may have been, and that you took him into your home.
As for the reason we are in this situation in the first place, the only thing I know for a fact that we have in common is our parents. Unfortunately, we both come from The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. While we knew of your existence growing up, you had no knowledge of ours. Trust me when I say you drew the lucky straw. Just put it this way: there are physical and mental scars Regulus and I bear that you will never have to because our parents are filled with pureblood beliefs passed down since the Middle Ages. These beliefs are not only shared within my family but throughout most pure-blood witches and wizards in Britain right now.
Some wizards are hunting and torturing Muggle-borns and Muggles, considering half-bloods a threat to the purity of wizardkind. Do not fret too much because a few of us believe that, whether you are Muggle or magical, you should be treated with respect and care. Currently, we are fighting against them to eradicate the filth that has disgraced all magical kind. I won't go into all the dark specifics in case this letter falls into the wrong hands, but things here in Britain are not great. Even writing now, I fear for Orion's safety. Being on the opposing side of this war, we went into hiding, and someone we had trusted our lives in gave away the location of our home, reinforcing the belief that I did the right thing by placing Orion in your care.
Speaking of that, Albus Dumbledore assisted me in making sure that enclosed in this file is everything you will need to raise him in accordance with both Muggle and MACUSA laws if I do not find his mother or make it through this war. Between you and I going through them made me regret not paying attention in class during my time at Hogwarts, but I think we went over it enough times to make both Joanna and Lily proud of us. Albus has really been a godsend in those regards. If there is anything you ever need, do not hesitate to ask the elders on the reservation near your house. If our research is correct, it shouldn't be hard; ask your friend Billy or Harry about different ways to contact me or even Albus.
Onto Orion, there are many things I could say about him, but to sum it up quickly for you, he is the light of not only my life but his aunts and uncles. He might look like me; however, to me, he is a carbon copy of his mother with small amounts of me. He may be quiet now, but it's when he gets used to you that's when you need to be on the lookout. You see, when witches or wizards are young, they are prone to what we call 'accidental magic.' It is when their emotions get so strong and too much for their tiny minds to control. Lately, he has been changing small things around him. I can't tell you how hard I laughed when his mother walked through the door after a trip to the grocery store, and he got so happy to see her he turned her hair the brightest pink I have ever seen. Truly, it took three days to turn it back, or how Orion wiped his Uncle James's mouth off his face when he was sleeping and James wanted to play with him. Don't worry, though; like I said, he is a wonderful, amazing child full of laughs and mischief. All in all, if he's hungry, tired, or whatever it may be, he will let you know.
I'm sorry for getting away from the topic at hand for a moment. What matters is that he's happy and healthy, and as I have said before, if I cannot find Joanna or I do not make it through this war, no matter what you need, there are people you can reach out to. You might feel alone in this, and I know our birth parents are a big reason for that. Just know, had I been there and able to do something about you being shipped off because you are a Squib, I would have stopped it. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially one who cannot control what they are born to be. I will keep in contact as much as I can to give you updates; all I ask is that you do not shoot the owls that come your way. I heard some Muggles see them as a nuisance, but it's the way of communication in the wizarding world.
Your Little Brother,
Sirius Black

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