Chp 7 (Back to Back exes battles)

Start from the beginning

Neil: "I know you have a thing for not calling people by their first names... but atleast just call me a nickname."

You nodded. You didn't really care. But you have quite the curiosity about Todd.

Y/N: "So big boy. From the looks of it, you're probably a vegan. What's your name?"

Todd: "Just call me Todd. And you're right, I am vegan."

Y/N: "Cool. So mind telling me why you've been eyeballing me and Ramona while you were onstage?"

Todd: "You really don't know?"

You raised an eyebrow, not having any idea what he's talking about, that is until Ramona leaned to you a little and whispered.

Ramona: "Todd is another one of my exes."

Y/N: "Oh... well in that case."

You got up, fixed your clothes and turned to Neil.

Y/N: "Youngling, escort Chau out of here please. Stills, Pines, you both should go too."

As commanded, Neil escorted Stephen and Kim following shortly after.

Kim: "Kick his ass Y/N."

Y/N: "We'll see."

You turned to Todd, who is still sitting on the other couch next to Envy across from where you were sitting.

Y/N: "Now, let's dance- no wait that's corny af.... ahhhh fuck it."

You kicked away the table seperating you two, do a step in towards Todd and throws a left jab that did NOT land.

You seemed to be stopped by some sort of telekinetic force, and it seems to be generated by Todd. How did you know? Simple. Todd's glowing white eyes and his super saiyan hair plus aura was a dead giveaway. He lifted you up using telekinesis.

Envy: "You already know that Todd's vegan. Why bother?"

Todd throw you through a wall and out of the building, your back landed on another wall of another building. You didn't retain any damage, and you wiped off any dusts on your clothes as Todd moves the couch Envy is sitting in using telekinesis to get to you.

Todd: "It's not really that big of a deal."

Y/N: "No shit sherlock. Anybody can be vegan."

Todd took out a comb and combs his hair back down.

Todd: "Ovo-lacto-vegetarian maybe."

Y/N: "Ovo-what now?"

Todd: "I partake, not in the meat, nor the breast milk, nor the ovum, of any creature with a face."

Envy just spawns out of nowhere behind Todd and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Envy: "Short answer is, being vegan just makes you better than most people."



Take 2

Todd's Hair erected yet again as his eyes goes white once more.

Todd: "Bingo."

He uses telekinesis to launch you up into the sky. You Ramona came out of the hole in the wall and anxiously starts looking upwards, trying to catch a glimpse of you. But nothing.

Todd: "Some fighter he is."

Envy: "Oh don't worry Todd, he's much tougher than he looks. You just need to bring it out of him."

Y/N VS The World (SPTO/SPVTW x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now