I Should Choke You With This

Start from the beginning

"Nice reindeer," she says gesturing to his outfit

"That is not even the worst part," he says standing, turning around, reading the back of his shirt she tries to suppress a laugh.

"y/n... What nice reindeer," Peter says while walking into the room.

"I am a god," Loki mumbles under his breath

"Well reindeer games, we have a few Avengers to go beat with pillows till they wake up so see you upstairs," Y/n says while backing out of his room.

As the elevator doors open they look at each other picking a door. Walking into Steve's room she plops on the bed staring at him.

"Steve," she called

"Steve, hey, hey Steve,"

"Bucky," he mumbled to himself turning over

"Who's Bucky," she questioned, poking his arm, groaning as he slowly opened his eyes as he looked around his room.

"Are you awake,"

"Well I am now," he says rubbing his hands on his face

"Who's Bucky," she asked him again, watching him sit up and wait for an answer.

"He's a friend, an old one why do you ask," he says looking at her

"Because you talk in your sleep," Looking at her he almost scoffed at the realization.

"Did Tony make everyone personalized matching pajamas," smiling he rolled his eyes

"Yes... wait till you see Thors," Smiling she sighs

"He needs to find a better way to spend his time," she commented while watching Steve slightly stumble out of the bed stretching. Walking out of the room the sight of Peter on Thor's back made y/n stop, glancing at Steve she smirked tilting her head to the side.

"No," he said blankly as he tried to continue walking.

"Please," looking at her he caves, allowing her on his back both Thor and Steve walk in carrying the two teenagers. Glancing at Peter she watches as he is slightly higher up. Softly kicking her Peter tries to contain his smile. Kicking him back they continued, softly pushing each other.

"If you two don't stop we are both putting you down," Steve says, as the elevator doors open they walk out towards the common area, the sound of Christmas music fills their ears the closer they get to the rest of the team. Sitting the kids down by the tree Steve walks over to grab a cup of coffee.

"This is fun right," Peter asks, nudging her shoulder, nodding her head as she looks at the gifts that overflowed from under the enormous tree.

"Alright the kids first," Natasha says as the team gathered around taking their seats on the floor next to each other, holding his mug in his hand Tony watches with a small smile on his face as both Y/n and Peter scramble looking for a gift with their name on it.

"You first Peter," Y/n says with excitement holding the gift in her hand.

"It's from you," he says, unwrapping the gift. Looking at the item he examines it.

"Whoa," he breathes looking at it.

"It's a glass spider in a snow globe,"

"Not glass Ice," she says

"How did you do that," he questions looking at her in amazement.

"Well the globe itself is customized designed, I spent some time in the Lab and had help from Tony and the ice spider, learning how to do that was a lot of fun,"

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