Part 13

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Warning : spicy 🌶️
Tim's Pov
i'm really scared the whole way there lucy holds my hand extra tight i don't know if she know i realize but i do i park in not ready to get out
Lucy - you can do this babe
Tim - i know
we walk in holding hands when our hands break away i feel lucy keep her hand on my back it's comforting having her here
(well call the therapist jon)
Jon - it's nice to meet you tim and this is ?
Lucy - i'm lucy nice to meet you
Tim - she's my girlfriend i hope it's ok i brought her
Jon- of course it is we'll talk about that a little more , follow me
he brings us to a room with a couch where we sit in keep my hand on lucy's thigh her hand is on top of mine
Jon - so i know you've been having these panick attacks
Tim - yea i have
Jon - so can we talk about why you wanted to bring lucy
Tim - she understands she's been through it she's also the only one that can calm me down when i have a panic attack
Jon - ok well lucy if you don't mind me asking what have you been through that makes you understand
Lucy - i don't mind i'm i was buried alive and kidnapped last year and i was abused and almost killed a few weeks ago by my last boyfriend
Jon - wow ok do you go to therapy
Lucy - yes i do i have been going that's why i really understand this whole thing i get the panic attacks to so i know how to help him
Jon - wow that's good so tim what was your childhood like or even your past
Tim - umm i uh was abused by my dad as a child and my ex wife was an addict and left me we're both cops i trained lucy and uhm i was the one who found her when she was buried i was also the one she called after she was almost killed a few weeks ago we've been dating ever since
Jon - so do you think your past has anything to do with this
Tim - yeah i do actually um these have been happening ever since um
my voice breaks i look at lucy
Lucy - since i was buried
the tears start to fall
Jon - how often do they happen
I try to speak but no words come out lucy's squeezes my hand
Jon - lucy do you know?
Lucy - yea he's had probaly about 10 that i know of
i nod cause she's right
Jon - when was his last one
Lucy - actually just like an hour ago
Jon - i really appreciate you coming lucy i know these first sessions can be really hard and it's nice to have someone there with you that can help
My breathing starts to get heavy
Tim - lucy
Lucy - what's wrong ?
Tim- it's happening again
Lucy - ok hey look at me breath it's ok
Jon sits and watches he would usually help hut wants to see how they handle it
none of lucy's normal tactics are working
Lucy - hey can you name 3 things you see ?
Tim - umm uh you the plant and books
Lucy - name 3 things you smell
Tim - your perfume, lavender, coffee,
i start to calm down
lucy - ok name 3 things you can hear
Tim - your voice , cars , and footsteps
Lucy - hey good job tim
by this point i'm calm again
Jon - i gotta say lucy i'm impressed
Lucy - i was raised by to therapists i know every tactic in the book
Jon - tim how are you feeling
Tim - tired i don't think i can do any more of this today
Jon - ok that's fine same time next week ?
Tim - yea
Jon - it was nice to meet you both
lucy says bye and i walk out the second we get outside i hug lucy tigh
Lucy - tim i'm really proud of you
Tim - that was so hard
Lucy - i know but you did it my love
Tim - thank you for coming luce
Lucy - of course
i hold onto lucy's waist as we walk to the truck i open her door she goes on her tiptoes that's an easy way to tell she wants a kiss
i hold her by the waist lifting her up as we kiss i only use one arm to hold her up the other decides where it wants to go today i held her face her baby soft skin is one of my favorite things about her even though there are so many
Somehow we both seem to be in the mood cause lucy's toungue finds mine as we make out i can feel her shivering i lift her into the truck and get in on my side i pay my lap and she climbs over straddling me she grinds on me as we make out her pussy rubbing over my dick makes me so hard i don't know if it's possible to wait till we get home lucy's hands go to my hair as she runs her fingers through my hair she moans against my lips
Tim- mmm baby how am i supposed to wait to get home
lucy - we better get going home cause i really want you right now
i can feel her pussy throbbing as she continues grinding on me
I moan
Tim - fuck baby i need to get us home
she climps back to her side and i start to drive my hand on her thigh my fingers rubbing her pussy
she lets out soft moans
we pull in to the drive way and i go to her side she wraps her legs around my waist and she kisses me we make our way inside my back against the wall she grinds on me while we make out
lucy moans that's my que i carry her to the bedroom she throws her top off on the way i unclasp her bra and she pulls my shirt off she plants kisses down my neck i throw her on the bed i slide her pants off
as i see her panties
Tim - oh baby your so wet
Lucy - fuck me baby i wasn't sure i could wait
she sits up pulling me closer by the waistband she undoes my belt slide any pants and boxers off i climb on top of her taking on of her nipples in and sucking on it moving to the other one after a minute lucy's moans see so uncontrollable at this point i thrust into her as she practically screams and moans i thrust fast and aggressive i know she loves slow loving sex but we both are so eager for eachother we go as fast as possible lucy moans at every thrust and when i go in my full length she gasps i keep going even after we both come niether of us are done yet
Lucy - uhh baby i need more
So i give her more i increase my speed more going further in then before her nails dig into my back we both are so tired when i finally slip out lucy collapses into my arms
Lucy - baby i'm not gonna be able to walk
Tim - that was my goal princess

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