Q and A

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(bold letters-interviewer, normal letters-me)

what's your name?

Cynthia Sarai Mott

what do you like to do in your free time?

dance, hang out with my mom, play on my computer, draw, and sleep

what is your favorite Holaday?


do you have any siblings?


how many?

three. two brothers, one sister

do you have a mom and a dad?


which one do you like better?

my mother. she's my bestie.(even tho she doesn't know i'm bi)

how old are you?


when were you born?

jan. 25 2013 or 01/25/13

what are your siblings names?

cirsty, bear, christen

what school do you go to?

C.R.E.S.(Cumberland Road Elementary School)

what is your nick name?

cici(the C's sound like an s. same thing with Cynthia)

if you could live in any place as in country,city,house,apartment,state or whatever, where  would you live?

in my home city, New London,CT with my grandma and grandpa.

what is your parents names?

my mom is Jennifer Lynn Mott and my dad is Charlie Lee Mott.

if you could go anywhere with one of your parents, who would it be?

my mother.

okay. this one is the last one, and it is kinda a statement.. if you saw a seleb. walking down the street, and someone tried to take them, would you help them? 

idk, i'm not the type of person to step in things that isn't my business. who is the celeb?

katy perry

oh well then hell yeah i would help her

alright, well, thank you for letting me know the truth! goodbye for now!

yup. bye.


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