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The Walters, family of 13 including the two cousins that stay with them, are well known in the small town of Sliver Falls. Katherine the mother was the local veterinarian, who often let clients out for free, her husband George worked on the family ranch since it was his father's beforehand. Their first child Will had already moved out to live in a small apartment with his fiancé Haley, he was a real estate agent.

Cole and Danny were 17, both very different from one another, Danny was into theater and arts whereas Cole was an athlete, that was until he crushed his leg in an accident.

Alex is 16, he's quiet, likes to keep things to himself, and is quite smart so school goes well for him.

Isaac is a cousin of the Walter kids, he's 16 and had a vibrant personality and was full of energy, he will also tell you that he has a way with the ladies.

Marlowe the first girl of the Walter family, is 15, she spends most of her time riding her horse or helping Cole fix the car, of course, she loves all of her siblings, but she's always been the closest with Cole. She has two close friends, Channa Madden and Walker Brooks, having a small crush on the latter, and will always stand by the quote, 'It's better to have a few true friends then a thousand fake ones'.

Lee is the second cousin of the Walter kids, He is 15, and loves to skateboard, even though he loves his aunt and uncle he does wish he lived with his father.

Jordan's 12 he is hoping to be a wildlife film director and was never seen without his camera.

Parker is 9, and even though she looks like a sweet girl, she is out there playing football with her brothers, even using the hockey stick here and there.

And lastly there was Benny, sweet boy, only 5 he spent his time following and admiring his older siblings.

Marlowe's POV

"Marlowe, Mum and Dad are leaving come say bye?" I hear Nathan shout at me from the front of the house, I was currently in the stable feeding the horses, which was my chore for the week, not that I found it a chore but some of the others did. I throw the last of the hay over the stable door and ran out to say bye.

"Jeez took you long enough, we thought you were gonna choose the horses over family."

"I would never, I mean maybe Sterling but that's a stupid thing to make me choose over."

"Marlowe Make sure your room is clean and the spare bed is made for Jackie, remember she's staying with you now. And make sure you put some of your records in a box, so there's room on the shelf. When we get back everyone needs to be on their best behavior, no funny business alright, her family has just died so we need to make sure she's as comfortable as possible, we'll see you later, bye." Dad reminds us, they are going to the airport to one of mums friends kids whos from New York, and now I have to share a room with her, I hope she at least has a good taste in music. When we can no longer see them we all go back inside to finish getting the house ready.

"Alright so everyone knows what they need to do before Mum and Dad get home? Good" Will's too nice he's going to want everything to be perfect for Jackie. I begin walking up to my room, the walls are painted with mountains and trees and I have kept some of mums paint stuff in here just for memories.


When I have finished getting Jackie's side ready for her I decide to go for a ride. I walk down the stares and with my luck step on one of benny's toy cars, "Ow, Benny can you please not leave your cars on the stares!" I yell out hoping he can hear me. I continue to the back door when I'm stopped my Danny.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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