Chapter 3: Burgeoning Bonds

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Chapter 3: Burgeoning Bonds

As training neared completion, the recruits were granted rare weekend passes. Most headed to the bustling city, eager to unwind from the grueling months.

But Shivanya chose to spend her time at the shooting range, fine-tuning her skills. Engrossed in target practice, she didn't notice Major Singh observing from a distance.

He walked over and watched her shoot with laser focus, hitting bullseyes consecutively. Not bad, girl, he said gruffly. But try widening your stance for better stability.

Shivanya adjusted her posture as instructed and fired again. A perfect hit. Thank you sir, for taking the time to guide me, she said sincerely.

Major Singh nodded, watching her shoot some more in silence. As the sun fell behind the hills, he said, Come, I'll drop you back to campus.

They walked together in a comfortable quiet, the bustle of the city fading away. A cool breeze ruffled the trees along the empty road. For the first time, Shivanya saw her stern mentor relax his guard, lost in thought.

She broke the silence gently. Sir, may I ask about your service? You must have many inspiring stories of leading troops into battle.

Major Singh was quiet for a long moment. War is not something to be inspired by, he said gravely. It is a hell none should have to experience, but we do so to protect our people from greater hells.

Shivanya listened intently, humbled. You have sacrificed so much for our nation, sir. I hope I can serve it half as valiantly someday.

Major Singh glanced at her, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. With dedication like yours, I'm sure you will. Now get some rest, we start at 0500 hours again.

As training neared its end, the recruits' camaraderie had blossomed into close bonds. Late one evening, Shivanya's friends dragged her to the mess hall, insisting on celebrating her upcoming commissioning.

They sat chatting and laughing over hot cups of tea. Across the hall, Major Singh sat alone, lost in paperwork. Shivanya's friend nudged her, Go talk to him - you're his favorite after all. We'll catch up later!

Shivanya walked over hesitantly. Sir, may I join you? At his nod, she sat down. The mess hall slowly emptied as curfew neared.

Major Singh broke the silence. You have come a long way, Shivanya. From the timid girl at selection to a fine officer-in-the-making. I'm... proud, of what you have achieved against all odds.

Shivanya smiled, her eyes glistening. That means the world coming from you, sir. Your guidance is what got me here. I will carry the lessons you've taught me through my career.

Their eyes met, and something unspoken passed between them. But rules forbade what their hearts whispered. As the final bell rang, Major Singh stood up gruffly. Get some rest. You have your final assessment tomorrow. All the best.

That night, Shivanya lay awake replaying their conversation, feeling closer to her mentor than ever. Little did she know that in the coming days, fate would test their burgeoning bond in unforeseen ways.,

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