Chapter 6 - The Vendor Man

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"I am so sorry, Nera. I'm an idiot, I am. I always say the stupidest things. I am so, so sorry," Aditya whispered quietly as he inched his face closer to her, making Nera move away, quickly.

Without saying another word, Nera turned around and continued walking away from Aditya as he tried to catch up, continuously apologising.

"I'm so, so sorry, Nera. So, sorry," Aditya said as he was finally able to catch up with her, but Nera didn't stop nor did she turn to face him. She continued to walk, a neutral expression on her face. On and on, he tried to apologise to her, to even talk to her, but she didn't turn around. Didn't even glance at Aditya. And, soon enough he gave up. What was the point in trying to talk to a person who didn't even want to look at you?

So, the two of them didn't say another word as they walked through the streets of Wasa, aimlessly, no final destination in mind. Until, a young girl tapped Nera and Aditya on the shoulder.

Slowly, Nera and Aditya turned around, and, to their surprise, came face-to-face with Andrea.

"Andrea, what're you doing here?" Nera asked, worriedly as her eyebrows raised up high on her face as Aditya backed her up, "Yeah, what are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you about something important, Nera," Andrea responded, and then, turning to Aditya, rudely said, "And just Nera, for your information."

Aditya went silent and didn't say anything else, as Nera turned to face him, but didn't defend him anyway. Finally, she turned back to face Andrea and asked quietly, "What is it, love?"

Swallowing, Andrea closed her eyes and then began to speak with her sister. "I am so, so sorry for how Aunt Alani and Aunt Jaddua acted yesterday. It was horrible and they shouldn't have tried to control you so much. So, on their behalf, I'm sorry."

A wide, sad smile spread on Nera's face as she wrapped her arms around Andrea, pulling her into a deep hug as the girl accepted it. "It's okay. It's okay," she whispered as she held her little sister.

Finally, when they pulled away, Andrea began to speak once more. "I know for a fact that you feel like you can't come home again because of that argument and it's not true. It is not true."

At that moment, Nera turned to Aditya and watched him, carefully, as he watched her back, his eyes gentle. At that moment, she realised that he did know her well. Very well, actually. As a matter of fact, he knew her better than she knew herself.

"Nera, are you listening to me?" Andrea asked, as she watched her sister and the rich, Malotas boy staring at one another, affectionately.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm listening," Nera responded as she turned away from Aditya to look at her sister again.

Andrea swallowed and, finally, asked a very important question to her big sister, Nera. "Are you really leaving and going to Neskarta with him, Nera?"

For a long moment, Nera didn't say anything, but, finally, she responded by saying, "Yes, Andrea, I am. But, I'll be back. I swear I will."

Andrea stepped away from Nera and watched her carefully. Finally, she whispered, "You swear, Nera?"

Nodding, Nera whispered, "Yes, I swear I'll come back."

"Okay, good. Now, I don't feel as guilty for giving you this address that'll help you get to Neskarta safely," Andrea responded, joy back in her voice.

"What-What do you mean?" Nera stammered as she moved closer to her sister.

"I mean that I got you an address and name which will give you transport from here all the way to Neskarta, for practically no price at all," Andrea responded, a wide smile on her face as she pulled out a small slip of paper from her pocket and handed it to Nera.

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