Part 2: The CEO is holding my shoe

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Kim Taehyung, CEO POV:

What a day it's been and it's only 10:30 a.m.

Already, I've attended two meetings. I blink my eyes and massage my temples as the elevator doors open.

Before I take a step, a young man rams into me. He was distracted looking down at papers which he dropped the moment of our collision. No doubt, a nervous new employee.

I chuckle a bit as the young man bends down to retrieve his papers.

"It's customary to let others exit the elevator before you step in," I say in jest, knowing it was accidental.

I'm certainly used to jittery new hires. As the young man stands up, I see his face and he's gorgeous.

His features are soft yet strong. His eyes are big and bright like a bunny's.

His broad shoulders and slim waist suggest he spends time working out. We briefly share a look.

He quickly looks away with an adorable shyness, that is cute and oh so sexy.

I smile, but he avoids my gaze. I exit the elevator and walk down the hall towards my office and the huge pile of work awaiting me. I sense he's still looking, so I quickly turn and catch another glimpse of my newest employee.

As the elevator doors close, I stand there and think what a sweet moment of connection that was.

I shake my head to rid myself of the thought. The last thing I need is man trouble.

I can't afford any distractions, especially now. What the hell am I thinking? He's an employee and that means off limits. My rule. I don't date employees no matter how cute they are, and he's really cute.

It's messy and highly unprofessional. The truth is I really don't date at all.

I slide in behind my desk and stare out at the beautiful view below. It's an amazing site that I rarely take time to enjoy. My dad used to love it when he was alive and ran this store.

I can hear him now, 'Tae, always take time to enjoy what is beautiful. Life is short.' Now I'm the CEO, and I stare out at the view he enjoyed so much. What else is beautiful in life that I'm missing?

I drift away for a moment and fantasize about enjoying that hot bunny boy pressed against the window late at night in this dark office surrounded by the vibrant city lights. Now that's beautiful.

What the fuck. Stop it, I tell myself. This is not like me. He barely glanced at me, I never heard his voice and damn it he's an employee. I'm just tired. It's been meeting after meeting lately. But the truth is, I love this place and wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

The intercom comes on. "Tae, you have Sehun from accounting on line 4."

"Thanks, Dae." This was the call I didn't want to take. There are tough decisions and tough days ahead.

Well, I have to face it because not taking Sehun's call wouldn't change anything.

"Good morning, Sehun. How are you?"

"I'm well, Tae. And you?"

"We'll soon see," I say, bracing for his report.

"Tae, I have those numbers for you. I can bring them up."

"No, just tell me what they look like and we can go over the details later today, after lunch."

I swallow hard as my stomach turns while I wait to hear his report.

The Clerk and the CEOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora