Techno Lagoon

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Branch made his way over to a big lake area where Techno trolls were conversating and doing other activities. It took him a few minutes, but he soon found Poppy greeting some trolls. After she got done, she immediately saw Branch and ran up to him in excitement. "Branch! You made it, " She said, hugging him. Branch hugged back then spoke. "So what did you have in mind for us today" Branch asked. Poppy thought for a moment. "I actually have to talk to the techno ambassador. You can come along and will find something to do after, " Poppy said. Branch nodded in agreement.

They started walking through the area, admiring the wildlife and scenery. "So how are queen duties today?" Branch asked, making conversation. "Oh, it's nothing much. I just attend meetings with the leaders and ambassadors, announce and open new trollstopia areas, and host some parties" Poppy said, listing some jobs. "Sounds like you got your hands full" Branch said, taking her hand in his.

Poppy smiled and tightened her grip on his hand. "Yes, but I enjoy it. I'm glad I have one thing to do today so I can spend more time with you" Poppy said. "Me too, I'm mostly always free. We don't get any ghost calls anymore, so it's just us hanging out in the station all day" Branch said, thinking about work. "I'm sorry about that, Branch. You're not thinking about quitting, are you?" Poppy asked.

Branch was silent for a moment. This job was everything he dreamed about since he was a kid, but now that business is slow, he didn't know if this job would last. "To be honest, I'm not sure. Until then, I'll stick around" He said.

The two trolls came up to a rapid stream where Techno trolls were surfing and riding whirlpools. Poppy looked over at familiar purple and green techno troll who was fiddling with his fingers nervously while watching everyone else. "Synth! Over here, Synth!" Poppy called out to him. Synth jumped up at the sound of his nane being called and turned to see Poppy and Branch behind him.

He calmed down and went to greet them. "Hey Poppy, what's up" He said. "I came to see you. You wanted to talk about something" Poppy said reminding him. "Oh oh yeah, right. I did say that, who's your friend by the way?" Synth asked, looking over at Branch. "This is Branch, he's a scientist/survivalist/My Boyfriend" Poppy said cuddling next to Branch. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you, synth." Branch said raising his hand for a handshake. "Right back at you, what are you a scientist of?" Synth asked, shaking Branch's hand. "I work in quantum physics, me and my friends work on it together, actually,"  Branch said, thinking about his friends. "So Synth, what is it you wanted to talk about. You sounded a little worried when you called me" Poppy said concerned.

Synth looked around him and then looked back at Poppy. "It's sorta private. Can we go somewhere else alone?" He asked. Poppy turned to Branch. "Branch, do you mind if me and Synth go somewhere else for a minute" She asked. "Of course, take your time" Branch said giving her a warm smile. She smiled back and kissed his cheek. Branch watched as Poppy and Synth walked away.

Snyth took Poppy behind a tree a bit far from the lagoon. Synth took a quick breath before explaining himself. "Ok, so what I'm about to tell you will be hard to believe," He said. "I'm listening," Poppy said. "So, back at Techno reef, King Trollex threw a big rave for all the trolls. He did it to celebrate Love, Family, and Music. It's was some real beautiful stuff, and everybody was having fun. But then something completely unusual happened" Synth said changing his tone.

"What happened?" Poppy asked curiously. "After Trollex dropped the beat and got the party really started, something went in front of his booth and attacked him!" Synth said. "Attacked?! Attacked by what?!" Poppy asked even more concerned then before. "I don't know, I wasn't there. I had a few techno trolls come up to me and say that Lex was attacked by a ghost" Synth explained. Poppy felt a bit stunned at what he said. "A what?" She asked. "I know it's hard to believe, but lots of trolls are saying it was a ghost that attacked King Trollex and scared away the audience." Synth said. "Is King Trollex ok?" Poppy asked. "Yes, he ok. But he's scared to go back to techno reef, everyone is scared to go back. They keep insisting that its haunted. I wanna help, but I don't know what to do. I can't call authorities or exterminators. With a problem like this, who ya gonna call?" Synth said worrying.

At that moment, an obvious idea hit Poppy. "Synth, I know exactly who you should call," She said, smirking. Poppy took Synth back to the Lagoon and back to where Branch was. "Branch! Something important just came up" She said. "What's going on?" Branch asked raising an eyebrow. "Synth needs your help, you know, like the paranormal kind of help" Poppy said. Branch looked over at Synth, who was looking down at his fingers. "Are you sure? What about our date? What about spending time together?" Branch asked. "I'm sorry, Branchie. We'll have to put it on hold. Right now, King Trollex and techno reef need your help" Poppy said, taking his hands in hers. Branch nodded in acceptance and started back to the firehouse.

Meanwhile, at the firehouse

Guy drove the ecto 1 back into the firehouse. He walked into the lobby stretching and making his way over to Chenille's desk. "Hey Chenille, I assume we didn't get any ghost calls while we were out" He asked leaning against the desk. "No Guy, not today. Or yesterday, or last week" Chenille said staring at the phone. "Ok cool, well the guys just headed out so I guess it's you and me now" Guy said lightly smiling.

Chenille looked at him with a deadpan expression. "I was thinking of leaving as well since I could be doing other things then sitting here all day. That was until we got a visitor" Chenille said putting her head on her hand. Guy frowned until he heard the visitor part. "We have a visitor, where?" Guy asked. "She's right over the-" Chenille cut herself off when she saw that no one was sitting in the lobby with her. "Uh oh" She said. Guy looked confused. "Why uh oh?" He asked.

"She was just here a minute ago" Chenille said getting up from her seat. "Well if she shows up again, Chenille. Let me know" Guy said walking upstairs. He got to the top and walked over to the lab. Suddenly he started to hear footsteps and things being picked up. Then he saw a figure behind some curtains. "Um excuse me? Branch, Biggie is that you?" Guy asked. "I've been waiting a long time" The figure spoke. Guy realized that it wasn't one of his friends and someone completely new. "Uh Ms, you know this is private property. So if you could ju-" He was cut off by the figure. "Oh I know I just came up here on a whim. I knew your technology was advanced but wow" The figure said amazed. "You're voice sounds oddly familiar" Guy said thinking.

Chenille then came up behind Guy. "There you are! You were supposed to stay down stairs" She said. "Wait, why do you two sound so similar" Guy asked confused. Then the figure came from out of the curtains and was revealed to be a pink female troll who wore a silver dress with the same colored hair as Chenille. She looked at Guy excitedly. "Guy Stantz Diamond. We finally meet" She said walking up to Guy and Chenille. "And who might you be" Guy asked. Chenille walked beside the troll to introduce her. "Guy, this is my twin sister. Satin Holtzmann"

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