Food Run (Owen POV)

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⚠️DO NOT SHIP IRL! Only characters⚠️
No smut and lemons allowed! 🚫🍋
Enjoy! If any questions on what means what ask in comments! Also this is kinda my au? Idk
⚠️CRINGE WARNING I tryed man⚠️

Owen-Lunch was so good. I really do enjoy spending time with the farmer rat! And I really hope he enjoyed the chairs I made. Well, at least my house is coming together? I have my room, and now my building area is almost done! I should probably start working on that!

An hour later of Owen still working on the house, he heard someone knocking on his door. So he scurried to the bottom of his clock, hoping it is Scott.

Owen-"Hello?" I and as I opened the door.

Bex-"HI!!!! My name is Bex, and I wanted to ask if you wanna go on a food run with me?" She looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

Owen-"Hello there, my name is Owen. And sure, have you been to the kitchen before?"

Bex-"YES!!! Ok let's go" she scurried off fast so Owen had to run after her a little. She was a little fast.

Owen-God, that little rat can run! But I ran with her, she ran down some stairs, that lead to the bathroom. While we were running to the kitchen, the butler turned around and saw us. Bex didn't see though. "Bex, RUN!" I immediately ran under a table, then she finally turned around and saw the danger.

Bex-"EP!" She couldn't run under the table. But he was focused on her.

Owen-As soon as the danger passed, I knew I had to help. So I started to run in that direction. Then I heard another scream, I immediately ran to it, but cautiously enough about my surroundings. (I had to ask my mom how to spell cautiously, I couldn't to the microphone thing 🥲)

Rat 1-Help! I'm stuck with weird rat!" She had pink hair and was almost in tears.

Rat 2-"Excuse me! Let me and my husband be! If your SO scared then run away!" He was dirty and mad at the other rat.

Owen-I have no idea of who he was talking about, there was two rats up there, so who's his husband? Oh well. So I ran up the the butler trying to get the two rats, "Hey, hey! Look at me and follow me!" As I start running I yell at the rats, "Run under the table! I'll find you!" The butler was now close on my tail! Literally, (HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry, I'm running off of barley any sleep right now, wait oops I forgot) and I don't have a good place to hi- YESSSS!!!!!!! I run into an open rat hole, there was a set of rat hands motioning for me to run inside, and to get my attention. So I quickly ran inside, trying to catch my breath. I take a quick peek and saw the butler running off, still trying to look for me.

Rat-"Shcphvhveoycoey? Spusffyep?" I'm not a person that's good running a log distance for a short amount of time, let alone the adrenaline rush. So I couldn't see for a few seconds, or really hear.

Owen-I finally look up agin, still panting and I saw Scott. He looked really worried. So to try an comfort him, I gave him a thumbs up and smiled. Then I heard him say...

Scott-"Owen! Are you ok? Dude! How long were you running?"

Owen-"Like... like 5-10, couldn't... couldn't stop, he was... was on my tail... couldn't run under anything." I was still panting, but it was getting a lot better.

Scott-"Jesus! Do you need anything?"

Owen-"I can run, I just can't do all me speed for THAT long." I honestly can run, but I'm also not the fittest.

Bex-"OWEN!!!!! Why didn't you warn me faster dude!" She hit my arm.

Owen-"I did as fast as I could. I went to look for you as soon as I could, but found him with two other rats, and I had to help them. But I found out, that dude can run fast, and for 5-10 minutes with the same speed."

Bex-"Ohhhhhh, you just need to do better with stamina!" She said wanting to help me.

Owen-"Right now I need to make sure the other rats are ok." I started to the hole.

Scott-"No no! You need to rest!" He speed walked to me to pull me back.

Owen-"Thank you, really, but I have to make sure the other rats are ok, they've been waiting for now, a while. And we all know a lot of rats don't have good attention spans, look" I pointed at Bex who now was doing something completely else regarding the conversation. "Your an exception, you have a good attention span."

Scott-"Thank you, but... why by yourself?" He looked a little sad, like he was betrayed.

Owen-"You can come if you want, but I also want to get to know them. Bex."


Owen-"I want you to go get food. We'll need a lot so we don't have to come down unless necessary, to not risk danger. Got it?"

Bex-"But I wanna do something cool!"

Owen-"Other rats will think of you as a hero, I mean, helping them do they don't have to be put in danger, AND they won't go to bed hungry? You included~"

Bex-"You had me at hero! I'll be back boss! See you in the attic!" She ran off to the kitchen.

Owen-"Let's go." I walked out with Scott, then we finally made it to we're the rats where. The pink hair rat was still there, the other no where to be found. "Where's the other?"

Rat-"He left a while ago, wanting his "husband" back."

Owen-"Wait, who's his husband? And are you hurt?"

Rat-"I'm good, but apparently the butler? He said there going to get married."

Owen-"Ok..? Well, I'm Owen." I stick my hand out to shake hers.

Lizzy-"I'm Lizzy, nice to meet you." She shook my hand, "So, we're is everyone staying at? I haven't seen anyone other then you two and that one for a day."

Scott-"We're living in the attic! Oh, I'm Scott by the way. We'd be happy to show you!" He said with a warm smile.

Lizzy-"Oh! I would love that thank you! I'll bake you both a cake later for sure!"

Owen-"Thank you! It's this way."

As they scurried off to the bathroom, they chatted, talking about how they've been while staying here. Then they climbed the rat stairs and helped Lizzy find where she would burrow into. Then Owen and Scott went the other way. After they told each other bye, they went to there separate house to sleep. They all slept soundlessly, with no nightmares.

Thank you for reading!
I hope you have an amazing day! I know Christmas can be stressful and confusing at times, but just know, there are people who can talk to you! Me included! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy/Merry to what ever is going on right now. Just remember,
Stay safe and eat cake!

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