Y/n: Retired?

Gwen: So, exactly, what kind of plumber were you, Grandpa?

Max: Er- yuh- a darn good one! Uh, Ben, what's the matter?

Everyone turns to look at Ben who look upset.

Ben: I save an entire Megamart from being a giant hamster's chew toy, and what do I get? Nothing. It's not fair...

Y/n: What was that? Do I have to remind you... you LEFT me to fight that mutated hamster on my own. I could've used your help back there dealing with sicko scientist but instead you wasted your watch time cereal diving to find a card that super rare for a reason.

Ben: Oh... my bad.

Y/n: Yeah... think before you say something stupid.

Gwen rubs Y/n back before giving him a smile.

Gwen: You did your best, Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks Gwen.

Max: Being a hero isn't about others knowing you did something good, it's about you knowing you did something good! Being a hero is its own reward.

Y/n: And that's true.

Ben: What? Were you reading the greeting cards at the Megamart?

Max: Well, yes.

Suddenly Gwen found something online.

Gwen: Bingo! Five years ago, Dr. Animo was a promising researcher in veterinary science. But it turned out he was doing all these twisted genetic experiments where he was mutating animals, and when he didn't win some big prize called "The Verities Award", he flipped out. Anything about this sound familiar, Ben?

Ben angrily looks out the window. Max watches the parrot disappear by flying between some buildings.

Max: We've lost him. He could be going anywhere in Washington D.C.

Gwen: Or "Washington B.C."...

Y/n: Any idea where they heading?

Ben gets an idea.

Ben: *gasp* That's it! I know where he's going! The Natural History Museum!

They park in front of the museum. Ben finds a giant feather.

Max: Something tells me we're on the right track. Good thinking, Ben!

Gwen: Guess even a doofus can surprise you once in a while.

Ben: And you should know!

Y/n: Enough! Can we focus on the task at hand.

While walking inside, Ben finds a box labeled "M Mart Electronics". In front of them, next to a mammoth exhibit, is Dr. Animo, fiddling with his machine. He stops and realizes they're here.

Dr. Animo: You - are very persistent. I HATE persistent.

Ben: We all know about you and your 'freakazoid' experiments, Dr. Animo! It's over!

Y/n: Just give up!

Dr. Animo: Oh, but it's only just begun...! See, I only needed a few components to push my work into phase two: the reanimation of dormant cells.

Ben: Er, does this guy come with subtitles?

Y/n: He means he can bring back the dead by only using their DNA to reanimated. Similar to an undead!

Ben: What?!

Gwen: Thanks for dumbing it down for him, Y/n.

Dr. Animo: Breathing life back into that which has been long since lifeless. Observe!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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