Episode 2 (2/2)

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Dr. Animo theatrically presents his mutated animals, all aligned next to him.

Dr. Animo: Behold the genius of Dr. Animo. Nothing can stop me from getting what I deserve. Mark my words! Today I will make history, or-- should I say...prehistory!

Max, Gwen, and Ben are seen hiding behind some shelves while the sound of Y/n fighting off the mutant hamster continues on in the background. Gwen sees Ben looking at the recharging watch and gave the him the look.

Gwen: If you didn't go cereal diving, one of those heroes could be saving us from becoming hamster chow. Luckily Y/n is handling the giant hamster but there still a crazy scientist on the loose.

A few seconds later Y/n was thrown over the shelfs being tossed by the mutant hamster making him loose consciousness as the selfs fell on top of him.

Gwen: Y/n!?

Ben: Oh man, this isn't good.

The three gasp and scream as the hamster roars, taking a step forward. As they run away, the hamster leaps over Ben, cornering his family. Ben looks down at the watch, knowing he can't transform.

Gwen: Had to waste the watch time didn't you. Luckily, he spots a scooter nearby and walks to it.

Ben: I don't need to go hero to stop an overgrown fur-ball!

Ben lobs an American football at the hamster's head, getting its attention. As he drives away on a scooter, the hamster gives chase. The hamster gains on him and takes a leaping bite; Ben swerves under it and it lands on a knocked-over shelf.

Ben decides to ride up the shelf like a ramp, flying in the air. The hamster tries to bite him but falls in between two shelves. As Ben lands on a shelf with the scooter, he topples them over on the hamster, trapping it for good.

Gwen & Max: Ben!

Ben: Uh-huh! That's right! Not even giant hamsters can mess with Ben Tennyson!

Employee: *over intercom* Clean-up on aisle six.

Ben hears a rumble; the frog hops behind them.

Dr. Animo: Young fool! You cannot stop me! I will turn Washington D.C. into "Washington B.C."!

He jumps from his frog to the mutated parrot, who flies off with him through a sky light, the frog following after.

Gwen: Y/n!

Gwen and Max go over where Y/n was thrown at as they saw red glow underneath the shelf. They began removing the rubble off him as Y/n regain consciousness.

Y/n: Uh... what hit me?

Gwen hugs Y/n feeling relief he's ok.

Gwen: Oh, thank goodness you're ok!

The store manager walks up to Ben.

Store Manager: *to Ben* You saved the store! If there's anything I can do to repay you... anything you want!

Ben peaks at a gold Sumo Slammer card and grins.

Ben: Well, now that you mention it...

Max drags Ben away.

Ben: Grandpa?! I was finally gonna score the gold Sumo Slammer card!

Max: No time for that now, Ben. We have a giant parrot to follow.

Gwen and Y/n follows them toward the RV. Max follows after the screeching parrot in the RV.

Max: Ah, just like the good old days - before I retired.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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