eighteen. bad friend

Start from the beginning

  "Oh he seems fine to me. He's burning hotter than ever." Brink said, not caring about Luke, or any of his students. He never really did, he just wanted them to be the best. 

  "You see? You're helping him Cate. You're doing a wonderful job. Except... make them forget." The windows started shattering when Shetty turned toward the group.

  They made a run for it, running through the campus like their lives depended on it, because they did. 

  "We're fucked." Marie shouted as they ran.

  "Over there!" Jordan pointed towards a door, a very familiar door. 

  "No. We need to keep running." Athena tried to get them to look past it, to go anywhere, but through that door. She knew what was waiting for her on the other side. She knew what was going to be unveiled.

  It was a door to one of the rooms in the woods.  "Do you know what's behind that door?" Andre asked, stunned.

  She tried to shake her head, to deny it, but she couldn't.

  "She does." Ari had a hunch, she just knew from the look on her face. Ari could read peoples emotions so easily, it just came natural to her. 

  Marie opened the door quickly, despite Athena's attempt to get them to forget, revealing a teenage girl in the corner. She could have tried harder, or should have. 

 "This is one of my memories..." Athena admitted, ashamed about what was to come. 

   The girl sat in a pile of blood with her back facing towards them, beside a now dead body. 

  "Who is that? How is this your memory?" Marie asked, right beside Athena for comfort, and support. 

  Athena waited until the girl turned around to say anything. "That's me from two years ago."

 Just then a person entered the room, it was Brink.  Everyone was worried that he would try to hurt them but he just ignored them. He was apart of this memory.

  "I didn't mean to. I really didn't mean to." The younger version of herself cried, with her bloody hands in her face. 

  "You didn't mean to punch a grown mans face in?" Brink asked, knowing that it wasn't actually an accident.

  Ari took a closer look at the dead body, noticing the bloody mess of the man who looked to be a guards face.

  "I knew how he felt about me. I tried changing his emotions, but he still felt that way." She looked disgusted with herself for killing someone, but she was safe now. The dead body was just a once creepy, and terrible guard that liked younger girls. 

  "Changing his emotions? I thought you could only tell the future..." Ari added, after hearing so much about her roommate she started to question what was true and fake. Athena only shook her head, letting her know that it wasn't the truth.

  "So instead of telling us, you decided to kill him?" Brink asked. 

  "He felt that way about the other girls too, I couldn't just let him run free." Athena admitted, proud that she eliminated a nasty threat before it got to be too much.

  "It's okay. I already knew, it was a test. It's a good thing that he's dead. I just wanted to know that you wouldn't escape when I gave you your powers back."

  "I wouldn't have anywhere to go."

  "You're right."

  "And whose fault is that?" She looked hurt, but it surprised Ari how she could just talk to him so informally. 

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