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Rosie decides on the second option.

The next seven days had passed, Rosie goes to visit a certain green haired man tied up on a post. She heard of his punishment for his actions at the bar, then again Helmeppo and the rest of the Marines deserved it, but since Captain Morgan is in charge, you have to go by his rules.

She stood behind the bricked walls, waiting for Helmeppo to stop taunting the swordsman and once he does, he left with two Marines walking beside him. Rosie stepped out from hiding and trailed towards the swordsman. She stood in front of the male, opening the bottle of water and helped him drink the cold water. He was cautious of it, of course, but he was dehydrated so he tilted his head upward while the girl tilt the bottle of cold liquid for him to drink.

Once he was done drinking, Rosie spilled water on a napkin and dabbed on his forehead to feel cool due to being under the sun for the last seven days.

"About time someone kicked all these amateurs asses. That's what they get for not training enough, then again, you're Roronoa Zoro, the pirate hunter, right?"

She starts the conversation to ease the man that she's not a threat or nothing like the Marines with obnoxious attitude towards citizens. Of course, she knew he wouldn't talk to her, even if he spoke to her, he would have his guard up if she tries to do anything.

"You don't have to respond, just listen. It's really impressive of you to protect the little girl, even though it's the Marines job, but they've been slacking during their training-"

She stopped mid sentence to pull out apple slices and place one of the slices against his mouth. Look of confusion when she use the slice of apple to poke his lips. "I know you're hungry so might as well eat it," Zoro hesitated for a moment, the pink haired munched on the apple slices in front of him, confirming that she didn't poison them like he thought.

Rosie gave him another slice and he eventually eats almost the whole bag of apple slice while she continues talking to him even if he didn't join in the conversation. She didn't cared, she needed him to trust her.

Soon as he finished eating, she announced to Zoro, she's going to return to training. "Before I leave, I think you should to know this piece of information," her angelic voice changed to monotone, made the pirate hunter in stunned of her change of tone.


Rosie walks away from Zoro leaving him confuses after she had given him random number. In reality, the three numbers are the number of the safe combination, one that hides the map of the Grand Line.

She made a little white lie, she wasn't going to her training like she was, instead, she was going back inside to see if a certain pirate shows up in her base. She stalks the hallways slowly while looking out the window enjoying the ocean view, in the distance, she notice a shadow coming towards the Marine base.

A white dragon.
Her dragon, Seraphina.

She smirked at the sight of her reptile friend coming to pick her up to go to a desired destination. "Rosie, I heard you wanted to speak with me about something?" Captain Morgan spoked from behind.

Rosie greeted him as she usually does, but she tone and demeanor changed. No emotion in her eyes, the tone of her voice is stern but formal to the Captain. "Certainly Captain-"

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