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'Where the hell is he?'  The pink haired searched all over Shell Town for Helmeppo. She was going to go back to base, but suddenly heard his voice coming from a restaurant, hearing commotion inside. The archer walks closer to the restaurant, pushes the entrance doors slamming them wide open, the whole place grew silence, even Helmeppo.

"What seems to be the problem?"

Rosie slowly strolled over to Helmeppo and she notices someone with particular green hair with their back facing her.

"Rosie! Thank god you're here, this impulsi-"

While he was about to explain the situation to the archer, she held her hand up to pause his storytelling, seeing the marines in the place are either out-cold and injured.

She left out a deep sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "I'm assuming you've stared this altercation."

"Doesn't matter do something to get him off me!" Helmeppo shouted but then let out a small whimper when the strange man slammed him against the bar table. "Is that how you speaks to a women?" although he meant for Helmeppo to hear but Rosie heard him anyways.

"Why should I? He didn't do anything to me."

"He assaulted the Marines, Rosie!"

'Does he ever stop talking?' Rosie had enough of his annoyance and was feeling frustrated to the point where she wanted to choke him.

She tapped the stranger on the shoulder, "I don't necessarily care who you or what you do for a living, but you have to release this man, if you have a problem with it, go talk to his father, Captain Morgan, he's in charge of the Marine Base."

The male glanced at the pink-headed, she showed nothing but emotionless expression. Her aura was mysterious but held her head high, full of confidence. While the stranger was observing Rosie, her eyes stare down at Helmeppo, "Take this as a lesson learned from the universe for going around spreading lies, if I've gotten to you sooner, it would of been worst."

Rosie left the restaurant, while Helmeppo was shouting for her to help him to get out of the situation he'd made in the first place.

Although, before she had walked out of the restaurant, she did notice a certain someone wearing a yellow straw hat, his eyes fills with curiosity of her. Her eyes quickly turned away, finally exiting out the restaurant.

'He has to be a pirate, no doubt.' She thought, she being to theories of the possibility of him coming to Shell Town, unless, 'He must be after the map of the Grand Line.' Now she's debating on whether or not, she should warn Caption Morgan or come up with a plan by herself.

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