Jiya placed the massager within his reach and left a note by his side. "Abhi, tum kal ese hi sogye, your neck will be having cramps... massager rkha hai and Breakfast bhi neeche hai khalena, I miss you, love ♥️."

With a gentle stroke on his forehead, she planted a soft kiss and left for her office, hoping her gesture would convey the love and care she felt, even amidst their hectic lives and limited moments together.


As the morning sun streamed through the windows, Abhishek stirred from his slumber, his eyes blinking groggily as he adjusted to the light. He shifted on the couch, feeling the warmth of the blanket Jiya had draped over him. His gaze fell upon the note she had left beside him, and a soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Abhi, tum kal ese hi sogye, your neck will be having cramps... massager rkha hai and Breakfast bhi neeche hai khalena, I miss you, love ♥️."

A rush of memories flooded his mind, transporting him back to their carefree days. He remembered the times when his dedication to studies often led to these impromptu naps on the couch. In those moments, Jiya would sneak up to him, her playful spirit alive and well.

"I remember those days," Abhishek murmured to himself, a fond glint in his eyes. "Whenever I dozed off while studying, Jiya would come over, sit on my lap, and start massaging my neck."

In his reverie, he could almost feel her gentle touch, the tenderness of her hands easing the strain from his muscles. Her playful gestures never failed to melt away his stress, often segueing into moments of shared laughter and intimate exchanges.

"It was in those moments that our romance would bloom again," Abhishek reminisced, a nostalgic smile gracing his face. "Her touch, her presence... they always brought us closer."

Lost in the warmth of those cherished memories, he reached for the massager Jiya had left for him, grateful for her considerate gesture. As he used it to soothe his tired neck, his heart swelled with love for his wife, even as she was miles away at her office.

"Thank you, Jiya," he whispered, knowing that despite the distance and their busy lives, their love still found ways to bridge the gaps between them.


*(Phone ringing in the middle of a meeting)*

Abhishek's phone vibrated insistently on the conference table, a distraction in the midst of an important meeting. Glancing at the caller ID, he noticed it was Jiya calling. Aware of the ongoing discussion, he declined the call, hoping to catch up with her later.

As the meeting dragged on with little progress, frustration simmered within Abhishek. Minutes stretched into what felt like hours. Just as his patience wore thin, Jiya's name flashed on his screen again. Annoyed by the interruption, he declined the call once more, his irritation mounting.

Finally, unable to contain his frustration, he stepped out, answering the call with an edge in his voice. "Kya hai yaar jab main phone kat rha hun koi reason hoga na, kya hua hai tujhe kyun call karri hai baar baar ese toh kabhi nahi kiya pakka koi kaam hoga!! Bol kya hai?"

Jiya's voice trembled on the other end, her tone hurt by his outburst. "Abhi, kya tha yeh? Kitna time hogya hum theek se baat nahi kar parhe toh socha aaj call karlu lekin nahi yaar! Jab theek se baat karega toh hi baat kariyo! Oh baat toh tu karta nahi hai."

His frustration began to wane, replaced by a pang of guilt as he realized the distress in Jiya's voice. Her words struck a chord, reminding him of the growing distance between them, the lack of meaningful conversations, and the unspoken longing for connection.

Jiya hung up!

"I'm sorry, Jiya," Abhishek's voice softened, regret seeping into his tone. "It's just been... tough lately. But that's no excuse for yelling. I'll call you back later when I'm free."

a heaviness settled within him, the weight of his words lingering in the air, knowing he had hurt the person he cherished the most.


*(At home, Jiya, distraught, recalling a memory)*

Tears streaked down Jiya's cheeks as she sat alone in the quiet darkness of their home. Abhishek hadn't returned after their argument, and the weight of his harsh words lingered heavily in the air. Memories flooded her mind, taking her back to a time when Abhishek, in his youthful exuberance, would seek her forgiveness after moments of frustration.


"Jiyaaaa babyyyy, I'm sorry na!! Dekh I was frustrated at that moment 😭 Sorry na bachee!! Maar le mujhe daat le chup nahi reh na baby!! Pleaseee!! I love you," Abhishek's voice echoed in the memory, filled with a mix of remorse and a plea for forgiveness.

In those moments, Jiya's heart would soften at the sight of his earnest apology. She would gaze into his eyes, tears still lingering, and yet, his words had a way of melting her resolve.

"You know na tum hi ho bas meri life main, ab tum bhi daatoge fir mera kon hoyega but chodho I love you abhi and I want kabhi bhi jab tum future main mujhe gussa karoge toh ese hi manane aana okay baby," Jiya would reply, her voice tinged with a mixture of affection and playful admonition.

Abhi, catching onto her cue, would respond in jest, "Joh hukum meri aaka."

*(Back to the present)*

Sitting alone in the darkness, Jiya's heart longed for Abhishek's presence. Despite their disagreements and the pain of his absence, her heart still echoed with love for him. She yearned for the moment when he would return, seeking reconciliation just as he had done in their younger days.

With a silent prayer, she hoped that their love, the unspoken bond they shared, would eventually bring him back home.

*(The Next Morning)*

Jiya woke up with a heavy heart, her mind clouded with worry about Abhishek. As she prepared for the day ahead, a sense of dread gnawed at her, amplified by his absence through the night.

Just as she was getting ready to leave, the door creaked open, and Abhishek entered the room. His presence brought a mix of relief and concern flooding through her. "Abhi, where were you? I was so worried," Jiya's voice trembled slightly, her eyes reflecting her fear and concern.

Abhishek's expression softened, sensing Jiya's distress. "I'm sorry, Jiya. I had some urgent work at the office that extended late into the night. I didn't mean to worry you," he explained, guilt flickering in his eyes.

Jiya nodded, trying to mask her worries, but her relief at seeing him safe overshadowed everything else. "It's okay, just... please, don't disappear like that without informing. I was scared," she admitted, her voice laden with emotions.

As Jiya turned to leave for work, Abhishek reached out, gently holding her hand. "Wait, Jiya. I need to say something." His tone was earnest, a hint of regret lingering in his words.

"Sorry, Jiya. I shouldn't have yelled at you yesterday. We've both been so caught up in our schedules, and I know it's been tough. Let's promise each other that, no matter how busy we are, we'll give each other at least an hour, just to be together, to talk, and to connect," Abhishek pleaded, his eyes seeking forgiveness.

Jiya looked at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, touched by his gesture. "Okay, Abhi. Let's promise each other that," she agreed, a glimmer of hope returning to her eyes.

Their shared promise hung in the air, a silent agreement to prioritize their relationship amidst their busy lives. With newfound determination, they parted ways, each carrying the resolve to carve out precious moments for each other amidst their hectic schedules.


(To be continued)

Long time😭 How was it guyzz? Do comment down below and suggest more ideas for one shots

Love love lovee🩷

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