Christmas Special

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This isn't really chapter 20. It's just a small chapter to celebrate Christmas and doesn't have anything to do with the ongoing story.

Chapter 20 will be out soon (I hope..)

So, with that said, please enjoy this Jolly Christmas special chapter!!


No one's Pov:

It was pretty early in the morning, and another year has passed for the people who are stuck here.

Caine means well when organising and decorating for Christmas, but sadly for the others, it sort of counts as an reminder, that they have been stuck in this digital world for another whole year.

The main room was decorated with different kinds of Christmas decorations and topped off with a nicely decorated Christmas tree, covered on colourful fairy lights.


Y/N's Pov:

I entered the main room, rubbing the remaining sleep out of my eyes.

While doing so, I lost track of my surroundings and bumped into someone, and fell.

"Ouch.." I rubbed my head.

Looking up, I saw who I bumped into..

It was Gangle.

By bumping into her, her comedy mask fell and broke.

"Gangle.. I'm very sorry. I wasn't seeing where I was going." She looks at me with her sad comedy mask.

"How about I fix your mask?" She shook her... head?

"It- it's alright.. there's no reason to be happy about today anyway..." I gave her a confused expression, and she pointed her ribbon hands towards the decoration.

"You celebrate Christmas here..?" She fiddled with her hands.

"W- well... Caine means it well.. but celebrating this is kind of a reminder. Off another year that we have been stuck in here..." I nodded in understanding and offered her a hug to lift the mood a bit from the currant one.

She gladly accepted it and wrapped her ribbon hand around me.

(Don't question logic or anything..)

Shortly after, we heard footsteps from behind us and turned to see an annoyed looking Zooble, followed by the others.

"Great.. another year stuck in here, joy." She said sarcastically.

I actually feel bad, this is my first year stuck in here, but they have been here way longer..

The others stayed silent.

"Why so gloomy? Where's the Christmas spirit?" Caine asked.

"What's there to celebrate? Another year stuck in here?" Jax said, with his not changing smile.

Caine stayed quiet.

"We know you mean it well.. but it's just not the same, knowing you can't be with your loved ones.." Ragatha said.

"Well.. sure, we are stuck in here, and there is no way to leave.. but why don't we make the best of this? I mean, don't we care for one another..?" I sweatdropped a little.

"Yes.. but it isn't the same..." gangle said.

I sighed.

"She does have a point.. It's better to make the best of it than sorrow over a life that might not return and just make new happy memories to our best extent to prevent us from abstracting." Pomni explained.

There was more silence until the others seemed to agree on the said words.


No one's Pov:

They spent the day doing Christmas themed activities and told jokes.

Zooble even decided to get back at Jax for what he did the day before and asked Caine for some mistletoe.

They waited for the right moment when Jax was around Y/N and jumped into action, holding the mistletoe over their heads.

"You've got to be joking..." Zooble chuckled.

"Nope. This is payback." Jax gave Zooble a death glare.

"Go on, it's tradition." Zooble snickered.

Another death glare followed.

Y/n's Pov:

I zoned out for a few minutes but was snapped out of my thoughts once someone said my name.

I looked up and noticed the mistletoe, and a faint pink covered my face.

Jax looked at me expectantly, and I just gave him a slight nod.

With no time wasted, he leaned down, placed a hand on my face, and kissed me.

After a bit, we separated from the kiss, and we both were blushing, though Jax might just be embarrassed since the others saw what had just happened.

I chuckled.

After calming down, we spent the rest of the day chatting and ended it with a delicious feast.


Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope you have a nice time with the ones you love and cherish :)

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