Chapter Four

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December 18, 2023

My ears were ringing from the bass. I could feel the vibrations from each beat of the Bad Bunny song in my chest. My nose burned from the overwhelming stench of sweat combined with perfume and cologne. As the night progressed, empty bottles and cups sat on scarce tables that surrounded the booming dance floor.

My sea-green eyes cascaded over the crowd of young adults, all of them grinding on each other like it was the last day on earth. I felt my cheeks heat up. I wonder what it would be like to dance like that with Arthur...

He was sitting beside me at one of the empty tables. I never really hit the dance floor like Fallon at the clubs we'd visit. I just liked to sit and drink and observe, because that's what I do on a daily basis.


Pierre used to tease me about it and say that he took all the fun personality from mom and dad and left me with nothing. He wasn't exactly wrong, even if he had been joking. I wasn't anything special. I was just boring ole Lily who couldn't even ask her crush to dance.

Due to the fact Fallon and Neymar were probably somewhere swapping spit, I could drink my vodka in peace. Arthur had ordered us a couple Vodka Crans and I was starting to feel a gentle buzz. I've always had a high tolerance, so I've never really been drunk. Only buzzed and slightly tipsy. Another reason I was just so boring- I couldn't even get wasted. That wasn't my style anyway, but I could never make that choice either.

Alex and his girlfriend Lily, my name twin, sat across from me and Arthur. The two of them looked really tired and had those glossy eyes from the alcohol. Charles and Alexandra were on Alex's left, practically fighting to get into each other's skin as they whispered into the other's ear. Daniel was on my right, finishing off some fireball shots he'd gotten for Fallon, and
Lorenzo was beside him scrolling on his phone.

That man was always working. Lewis had bid his farewell a few minutes ago- wanting to get back to Roscoe. And Max was pulling one of his normal disappearing acts. He wasn't very good at goodbye's, so he would just leave places without telling anyone.

"Are you looking forward to having other people in the apartment again?" Arthur threw his arm around the back of my chair, leaning closer to hear my response.

I turn my knees towards him, smiling gently. "Of course! Though, I don't think Pierre and Kiki will enjoy my fans."

"Oh, you mean the wind tunnel in your room? Yeah, they might have to sleep with earmuffs." He shook his head with laughter, glancing into her eyes. His were such a lovely brown that mixed with baby blue streaks. They added to his charm. "Even if they are In a whole different room."

"Whatever." I groaned, slapping my palm against the black jeans covering his legs. He was still wearing the clothes from earlier. The only addition was a pair of Rayban sunglasses that rested in his blue sweatshirt. I was in a simple outfit too: a pair of black leggings, pink v-neck shirt, and high top white converse. "I'm just glad I won't be spending Christmas alone."

Arthur furrowed his brows. He cocked his head to the side, staring at me with a frown. He moved his arm and draped it over her shoulder, squeezing me with his free hand. "Vous n'êtes jamais seule. Tu m'as toujours, mon amour."

I felt my cheeks heat up, turning bright red like a tomato. My love. He said... my love. I tried not to smile too much, even though his words had deeply affected me. "I know. You know what I mean though- having my family here for the holidays... one of them anyway."

"I get it." Arthur took a swig of his drink. He swirled his lips around before speaking again. He kept his hand on my shoulder, scooting me closer into him. "Your parents traveling?"

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