Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Remembering Alina Grace Thompson

The tragic demise of Alina Grace Thompson, a soul who met an undeserving fate, leaves a lingering sadness in the hearts of all who knew her.

In the face of imminent danger, Alina selflessly acted to save countless lives from the catastrophic explosion that ravaged the starship. However, in a cruel twist of fate, she was unable to rescue herself from the clutches of the impending doom.

Let her story be a constant reminder of the preciousness and fragility of life, urging us to seize every moment and live to our fullest potential.

With the assistance of highly efficient robotic entities assigned to burial duties, Alina's final resting place will be prepared with utmost care and reverence. It is important to note that the burial process adheres strictly to environmentally friendly practices, ensuring that her departure from this world does not impose a burden on the planet she called home.

As we observe the solemn burial proceedings, a collective sense of grief engulfs us. Alina's memory lingers on, etched in our hearts, as her tombstone stands as a tangible symbol of her heroism. In recognition of her valiant actions, she will forever be honored for her selflessness and bravery.

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