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Welcome to the planet of final rest.

Admittedly, the thought may be unsettling.

But this is the solemn place where all those who have departed find their eternal repose.

Starfleet and several other planetary systems seldom visit this desolate realm, reserving it solely for somber occasions such as funerals. You may argue that funerals are often held aboard starships, rather than upon distant celestial bodies!

Yet, there are those who believe it should be on this planet, while others advocate for starships or alternate locations.

It may astound you to discover the number of individuals interred upon this planet of final rest.
Curiosity may beckon: what is the designated name for this planet?

In truth, it lacks an official appellation.

However, it is commonly referred to as the Planet of the End.

This is the cosmic cemetery, where the departed find their resting place when they perish while traversing the depths of space, far from their home planets.

Accessible only to those who have journeyed beyond their homeworlds, this is the Planet of the End.

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