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(Izayoi POV)

My heart hurt. My lungs hurt. Every breath hurt, moving hurt. This was pain

I slowly opened my eyes, and realized I was in my room. To my side was Riku and Siesta.

"Are you ok to talk?" Siesta asked

My head felt foggy, but I should be good enough to talk and listen.


"First of all, allow me to apologize." Riku said in a non-apologetic voice, "My goal was to see what the traitor would do if the water were poisoned, and how he would react. I did not intend for anyone to get seriously sick."

"Shut it...This is my fault anyway..." I said with anger towards myself

It was true. While I had no doubt that in a fight I was the strongest, I was not invincible. Not anymore.

I turned to look at the clock, and it was now late evening. 6:02 PM

"...Do you mind speaking about it? What happened? For an immune system to be so weak that spitting out water affects you this badly..." Siesta muttered while trailing off

"Yeah, it's not gonna be a pretty story though." I said with a little laugh, "Firstly-"

Suddenly the door slammed open, Asuna was there with a not-so-good look on her face.

"Sakura came back!"

"What?" Riku was the first to react

"We just found her right by the front of the entrance of the school! It doesn't seem like she has any memory of what happened though..."

They both stood up, but Siesta was clearly hesitating to leave

"You guys go ahead, I'll be here resting for a bit," I said

They both gave a nod and left, leaving me all alone.

I stared at the ceiling with empty eyes, full of self-loathing and hatred towards myself.

In truth, my life wasn't all I said earlier at the cafe. Throughout my whole life, my mom had always been either smoking or drinking. She claimed it was the only thing that gave her a kick anymore. Apparently after being so physically strong, it numbed her mind as well, so she picked up on bad habits.

Being the kid I was when I first learned that doing that stuff was bad, I swore I would never do it. Not even 3 years later though, I started to drink and smoke. At the age of 8, it is obviously terrible not from just a moral standpoint but from a physical standpoint as well.

I always won competitions, got high grades, and girls loved me at school even when I was young. There was nothing I didn't have that I didn't want.

According to my mom, I was even stronger than she was as a kid, so I guess my mind got numb faster. Before I knew it, I had stolen a pack of cigarettes from the gas station.

My mom obviously found them nearly right away, before I could even start smoking, but she didn't take them away.

"Are you sure?" She asked me with empty eyes, "Once you start, there's no quitting."

I didn't smoke that day, but the day after I did. 

From there, I only got stronger physically strangely. My grades suffered, and obviously, girls didn't want to hang out with a weirdo like me who was rumored to be drinking and smoking.

When it was time for high school, I was known as a superstar athlete. By that time I thought that I was the only exception, that cigarettes and alcohol had no effect on me at all. After all, I hadn't gotten weaker at all, so that was what I told myself. That was when I suddenly got super sick, and sure enough, it was just a cold. A cold had me in the hospital.

Danganronpa: Despair to Prodiges? V3 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now