January: New Years Resolution

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Marinette was determined that this year would be better. She was going to focus more on herself rather than her bullies. And luckily, she has several days to prepare before class starts back. 

So what if Adrien didn't like her the way she did him? He showed who's side he's on, so she won't give him the time of day anymore. Besides, Juleka wanted her to meet her brother. Maybe she will like him more.

And she did.

The time of returning back to school might be wrong, but I literally go back on the 4th🥲. And we get let out the week before Christmas and skip exams if you have high enough grades and low absences. This is based off my experiences and how it is where I live, but image it how you wish so it makes better sense.

Marinette thought back to the fireworks that lit up the sky the previous night. It's the day after New Years Day, and Marinette was relieved. That meant half her school year was over.

You see, it's halfway through her junior year. Which means it will soon be her senior and final year of high school (11th and 12th for me but final years of high school for anyone else), and Marinette could not wait for things to be done.

The first year of high school was fine, she was shy but really nice, so people started liking her and wanting to be her friend. That's the year she met Alya Cesaire, a girl who recently moved and seemed lonely. Marinette, liking to meet new people, decided to befriend her.

She found out that her mother was a chef at the famous hotel, her father worked at the zoo, and her older sister was a wrestler. Alya strived to be a journalist, and she was reporting anything she could to build views and credibility. 

By the end of the first year, they were practically inseparable. Along with her other friends, it was a great first year for Marinette. She was even interviewed by Alya a couple of times to boost popularity.

Then the second year hit.

In the middle of October, a new girl showed up. Her name was Lila Rossi, an Italian girl who recently moved because of her mother's job. She seemed nice, but something about her seemed...off.

Marinette only found out later what it was.

The next day, she walked in on Lila explaining to the class, or the ones there at least, about her tales of her injuries. And a massive list they were too! Tinnitus, arthritis, sprained limbs, and more! You would think a story would have been written about her.

And Marinette ended up jinxing herself with that because Lila was later all over Alya's channel. The bluenette watched some videos, and her suspicions only grew. This Lila girl seemed too good to be true.

So, Marinette confronted her. If she was lying for attention, she didn't want to expose her in a public space. That's why the bathroom seemed like the best bet.

Marinette walked into the bathroom after seeing Lila walk in. The Italian was fixing her hair. Marinette kept note that she seemed to be using her hand just fine.

"Lila, I have a few questions to ask, if you don't mind." Marinette started. Lila gave a smile, turning around.

"Of course Marinette! As you being class representative, you have to look out for your fellow classmates! Ask away!" Marinette took a deep breath.

"Why do you lie?" Lila smile froze for a second, but was quickly recovered.

"What are you talking about? I'm not lying about anything!"

"I mean...you kind of are. You say all these terrible things happened to you, yet you haven't shown a doctor's note or even a cast or bruises! I'm just wondering the reason behind it is all, I'm not mad." Lila seemed frustrated. Possible because Marinette was the only one to question her word. That's when she decided to stop playing around, she wasn't worth the trouble.

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