The eagle dropped a letter in front of the earth alpha, he took the letter and opened it while the water alpha cast a privacy spell around the three alphas. They read the letter, twice, they then locked eyes with each other. Spending several moments practically talking without words. Eventually they finished and the privacy spell was cancelled out, they all looked at Harry.

"You fought Voldemort before your school year ended" The water alpha half-asked, half-stated.

"Yes" Harry nodded in the affirmative.

"You defeated him?" The earth Alpha asked.

"No" Harry shook his head "he had a body that was stronger than that of an average person, when I tried to break his arm it just wouldn't break. He's also pretty magically powerful, believe me when I say I tried. I was throwing cutting curses, bone breakers, unforgivables, everything."

"There were two of our assassins there too" The air alpha said.

"Yes but I didn't kill them, that would be old Voldy shorts."

"Show us your memory of the event" The earth alpha ordered.

Half a minute later the alphas were watching his fight with Voldemort, they watched with fascination and they were impressed, at least that's what Harry thought he saw when he looked at their eyes. Harry also watched the fight, he took the opportunity to view and critique himself and see where he could improve. Eventually the memory finished, the three Alphas stared at Harry for a couple of minutes, almost as if they were trying to stare into his soul.

"You were very impressive" The air alpha commented, breaking the silence "it is an insult to keep you as a delta, congratulations, you will be promoted to beta."

"Not much good if I die tonight" Harry couldn't help but reply.

"IF you die" The water alpha replied.

"Well...yeah...that is what I just said."

"Wait here" The earth alpha said, casting a silencing spell around the three. They were clearly in a discussion, Harry couldn't hear anything they were saying but he did catch their eyes occasionally glancing between himself and the letter. Five minutes later the silencing spell was removed and the three turned to each other.

"It has been decided that you will be given a chance to live" The air alpha said "you will be given a test today"

"A test?" Harry asked with disbelief.

"Do not interrupt" The water alpha admonished.

"You are under a magical contract to attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, one that requires you to spend another year at Hogwarts, correct?" The earth alpha spoke next.

"Unfortunately" Harry nodded, wondering where they were going with this. This was definitely weird, usually any regular member of Libra would be dead by now. He could tell that they obviously had something planned for him, but at the moment he couldn't bring himself to care. He just needed to work on surviving for now and deal with anything else later.

"We are going to give you a very special task" The air alpha told him "but first you must complete two challenges, complete these challenges and we will not kill you"

"If you complete these challenges then we will let you leave today" The water alpha added "and allow you to spend your final year at Hogwarts."

"We will then call on you after the school year ends" The earth alpha finished "then we shall give you a task. If you complete it then you will be absolved of all of your crimes against Libra and re-welcomed as a member of our proud organisation." Harry didn't really want to come back but resisted the urge to tell them that and resisted the even harder urge to ask why. Again, he would focus on it later.

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