Chapter 7

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"Ruth are you ready to go?"

Ruth turned around in her chair and saw her brother standing in the doorway of the school.

"James!" She jumped up from her seat and ran over to give him a hug.

Ruth and the other girls were hard at work crafting and practicing for their Christmas celebration. Ruth was happy to have her brother in town, the past week has been filled with stories, walks and trips to town where he spoiled her and her brother with treats.  Most importantly, he shared stories of University, hearing about his classes was her favourite part of their walks together. 

She was desperate to soak up anything and everything he said, she knew he would be leaving shortly after Christmas to resume his studies in Charlottetown. 

"Let me say goodbye to my friends first."  Ruth returned to her seat to say her goodbyes to Jane and Josie.  She also gave a quick wave to Cole, and the two departed on their walk back to their house.

Winter was one if Ruth's favourite seasons, she loves the way the snow dressed the trees in white.  The birds still sang and chirped, and the ground crunched with each step.  The two walked in silence, admiring the atmosphere around them like usual.  It had been over a year since James had walked with Ruth home. 

"The Andrews invited us over for dinner tonight, mother wants you home early so you can help her bake a pie." 

"So that's why you picked me up.  I was wondering since usually I walk with Jane and Prissy."

Ruth and James made it home, and Ruth set to work in the kitchen with her mother baking a cranberry pie.  When it was cooling Ruth's mother sent her upstairs to get ready for the dinner. 

She picked out her dinner dress, with fancy ruffles and ribbons, the braided her hair into her half ponytail and laced in some ribbons. She put her nice boots on went downstairs to join her family.

They dawned their big winter jackets and cozy mittens, they set off into the snow towards the Andrews.

At the front door they were greeted with hugs and cheek kisses by the Andrews, they were delighted to see James as well, and the family brought the Jacksons into their home. Ruth smiled as Jane linked arms with her and dragged her upstairs to show her the new dress her mother and her bought in town the other day.

"Mother says when we visit Charlottetown next weekend I can wear it to supper." Jane twirled around letting the dresses frills show. "We have a surprise for you as well! My parents will announce it tonight." She gave Ruth a big smile.

Ruth raised her eyebrow, "What on earth? Why do you have a surprise for me?"

"You'll have to wait and see." The two girls giggled and Jane put her dress back in the box.

"What are you two laughing about." The girls looked at the doorway of Jane's room, Billy was leaning against the door frame staring at the two.

More specifically, he was staring at Ruth, their eyes falling into each other, and then breaking apart when a pillow hit Billy right in the face and falling into his hands.

"Get out of my room."

Billy tossed the pillow back at Jane, giving Ruth one more glance. "Supper is ready, mother sent me to retrieve you two."

The two girls got up to follow Billy to the dining room, where the table was dressed in flowers, delicious smelling dishes and candles lighting up the room. The Jacksons and Andrews were already seated, James was conversing with Mr. Andrews and Ruth's father, Ruth's mother was entertaining Will.  Ruth watched Jane take the spot next to Prissy, Ruth took the seat beside Jane.  She stole a glance at Billy, as he sat across from her, she focused her attention on the food in front of her, following along everyone else as they helped themselves to the meats, vegetables and sauces. 

"Before we eat."  Mr. Andrews announced, bringing everyone's attention to him.  "As you know we are planning to visit Charlottetown next weekend to work through some affairs.  After great thought, and Jane's persistance, we would like to ask Ruth to accompany us.  With your permission of course, Theo." 

Ruth's eyes widened, she looked over at Jane who was already smiling widely at her.  Then she turned to her father, "Father, would you please let me go?"

"I don't see why not.  You can visit uncle Simon while you're there with James."  Ruth's father gave her a smile.

"Splendid."  Mr. Andrews said, "Let's eat!" 

They all picked up their forks and began to eat their food, Ruth turned to look at Jane, "So that was your surprise?" 

"Yes!  I haven't stopped begging father to let you come along with us, he finally agreed and made the arrangement the other day." 

The girls giggled, and turned back to their food.  Ruth looked up every now and then at Billy, she watched his lips move as he conversed with James and his eyes as the drifted from the food to James, and back at his food.  She was talking to her father about organizing a visit with her uncle when she felt something against her foot.  She glanced across the table to find Billy staring at her, the felt a shift by her foot and she realized it was Billy's foot against hers. 

She gave him a confused stare, and turned back to face her dad, thinking he would move his foot, but he didn't.  Every now and then he tapped the top of her boot and she caught his smirk out of the corner of her eye. 

After supper the family's sat down in the common room to talk about the trip to Charlottetown.  Jane and Ruth giggled over the plans they made, what dress Ruth could wear to their fancy grown up supper.  Ruth looked around at the room of people, she felt at home, happy and satisfied with where she was.  Nothing mattered in that moment, except the people she loved.  She smiled, thinking of the excitement to come.

WC: 1049

Note : Imagine Simu Liu as uncle Simon, it will make sense next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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