𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗐𝗈 !

Start from the beginning

A ripple of laughter echoed through the studio, and Shayla felt a flush of warmth in her cheeks. Attempting to redirect, she responded with a light tone, "Oh, just enjoying the fall foliage with a friend. Central Park is magical this time of year."

But Jimmy, ever the charismatic host, persisted with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Come on, Shayla! The pictures looked cozy. Any chance there's a budding romance?"

Shayla chuckled nervously, her fingers tapping on the armrest. "Well, Jimmy, we're just really good friends. Sometimes a stroll in the park is just a stroll in the park, you know?"

The audience erupted in laughter, sensing the delicate dance around the question. Yet, Jimmy wasn't one to let go easily. "Just friends, huh? The internet has its theories, you know. Fans are curious!"

With a playful sigh, Shayla glanced down, "I guess we're just keeping the mystery alive, Jimmy. You know how it is in the world of entertainment."

As the interview continued, Jimmy seamlessly transitioned to discussing Shayla's upcoming album. The atmosphere shifted to the creative realm, and Shayla found comfort in delving into her music. Yet, beneath the discussion of melodies and lyrics, the glint of curiosity about her personal life lingered in Jimmy's eyes.

"So, Shayla, your album seems to be deeply personal. Any specific inspiration you'd like to share?" Jimmy inquired, steering the conversation toward the heart of her musical journey.

Shayla's eyes lit up, grateful for the shift. "Absolutely, Jimmy. Each song is a piece of my story, a reflection of experiences and emotions. It's a journey of self-discovery and vulnerability, and I can't wait to share it with everyone."

As the interview concluded and the audience erupted in applause, Shayla exited the stage with a smile. The blend of personal curiosity and musical intrigue added layers to the excitement surrounding her album release. She reflected on the delicate balance between the public eye and the private corners of her heart, appreciating the art of keeping some mysteries alive.


THE DAYS FOLLOWING SHAYLAS album announcement were filled with a mix of anticipation and a subtle undercurrent of sadness. While the public buzzed with excitement about her musical venture, Shayla couldn't shake a lingering disappointment that Tom hadn't reached out. Their unspoken agreement to wait until she shared her album with the world had left her feeling a bit adrift.

As she scrolled through her messages each day, hoping for a text from Tom that never arrived, a sense of longing settled in. She understood the need for patience, the agreement they had silently made to prioritize her album release before diving into the uncharted territory of their feelings. However, the silence weighed heavily on her heart.

Late one evening, sitting in the glow of her apartment's soft lamplight, Shayla found herself lost in thought. She stared at her phone, contemplating whether she should break the silence that had inadvertently stretched between them. The vulnerability of reaching out clawed at her, but the desire to understand where they stood compelled her to action.

Taking a deep breath, Shayla crafted a message, her fingers dancing over the keys with a mix of apprehension and hope. "Hey Tom, I've been thinking about the album, and I really wish we could talk. I miss talking to you. Can we meet up sometime soon?"

As she hit send, her heart raced with uncertainty. The subtle chime of a response brought a rush of emotions. Tom's message appeared on the screen,

hey you
i've been meaning to reach you
coffeehouse tomorrow say 6?

A wave of relief washed over Shayla, and a tender smile played on her lips. The unspoken tension that had lingered was ready to be explored, and the prospect of rekindling their connection filled her with a renewed sense of hope. The melancholy of the past few days seemed to lift, replaced by the anticipation of the conversation that awaited and the uncharted territory of feelings they were finally ready to navigate together.



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C speaks !

# i hope you all have a merry christmas

# the first three chapters of my new tom blyth book is out so please go check it out

love you all!

have a merry day!

✓ 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, tom blythWhere stories live. Discover now