Changing into a simpler clothes; a fitted white shirt and their school P.E uniform's jogging pants. Detangling her now dried hair, she decided to blow it dry before brushing it. Starting at the tip of her hair until she reach the top, she carefully brush through, not wanting to shed any hair.

She held her phone once again, not knowing what to do with it, she click the app of the game and stared at her screen. Park Woo-Ram now had a total of 7 votes. She was conflicted if she should vote for him too, as she knows that if he ever was a Civilian, then there's another one to go.

But if he were a Mafia, then there's another one less to the opposing team.

Licking her lips as she click on Woo-Ram's profile, seeing another message pop up: "Do you want to vote for Park Woo-Ram?" It read on the screen, she sigh as she grip her phone. She was having double thoughts right now.

But she suddenly sat straight up, she almost hit the bar on her left. She grab the side of the ladder (bunk bed's ladder), her eyes widening as she click on the votes. Her eyes staring as vote comes after vote. Another 7 people had voted, but not with the same person they were suspecting earlier on.

[Park Woo-Ram, Kim So-Mi, Ahn Na-Hee, Oh Jung-Won, Jang Hyun-Ho, Kim Jun-Hee and Lee Yoon-Seo voted for Ko Kyung-Jun.]

The words on her screen read as, now, both Kyung-Jun and Woo-Ram had the same amount of votes. But if she were to vote for Woo-Ram, then one additional for him, making him to have the most votes. Then there are other two people who haven't cast their votes. It was the couple who had accused for being a doctor.

A curse left Min-Ji's lips, she got up and left the room. Her footsteps was heard on the empty hallway, she maneuver her way through the end of the corridors, no fix destination in her mind. While she was speed walking to wherever her feet drag her to, she suddenly run into Kim So-Mi and Park Woo-Ram, the both parties look startled when they suddenly came across one another, with Kim Jun-Hee following behind the two.

Min-Ji feel uneasy at the way Woo-Ram was staring at her, he was expecting something from her and the girl knew it all too well. He was hoping that she would side with him and following what they did earlier on: voting for Ko Kyung-Jun.

Kim So-Mi seem relieved that she had bump into the girl, Min-Ji stared at them as if already knowing what they would say. So-Mi grab the girls arm and stare right into her eyes. She can see that there was a spark of hope that glints in the girls eyes, Min-Ji back off a little.

"I'm glad that you haven't voted yet." The girl sigh in relief, before urging the girl once again. "Vote for Ko Kyung-Jun." So-Mi was also hoping, wanting for Park Min-Ji to do what she says so they could save Woo-Ram and officially execute Kyung-Jun from the game.

"No." The word caught the three off guard, they're surprised that she decline. "Don't force me to do something." She shook her head, grabbing So-Mi's wrist and pushing the girls hands on her arms off. Woo-Ram approach her, grabbing her hands as he stare at her, he was desperate to stay, he doesn't want to be killed.

"Min-Ji." She could hear the way the boy's voice quiver and cracking. "I'm not forcing you or anything. But I'm not really a Mafia, I'm just stuck in this position." Referring to how Kyung-Jun accused and put the pressure on him and having the others already vote for him.

"You bump into me and want me to vote for Kyung-Jun." Removing her hands from Woo-Ram's, backing away from them. "He have a point." She saw how Woo-Ram swallow, his adams apple bobbing up and down, the beads of sweat stream down his face. "You have a reason to kill Joo-Young, after all, she keeps reminding you that she don't have feelings for you and how she had ridicule you in front of everyone at our school." Woo-Ram was on the verge of tears, he was about to lunge himself to her and wanting to make her vote for Kyung-Jun but Jun-Hee grab his shoulder and pulled him back.

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