• Chapter 46 • Guilt

Start from the beginning

"How long you two been together anyways?"

Well, she's gonna flip at this one. I nervously answered

"A month."

Her eyes widened before she stood up from her place. Definitely flipped. She paced back and forth before pointing her finger at me

"So, you two been together since that trip. And you didn't tell me? Why didn't you tell me?"

All these questions were bombarded at me all at once. I flinched back and reasoned

"I wanted it to be a secret."

Sarah looked at me before plopping next to me once again. She turned me towards her before asking

"Why did you want to keep a secret?"

I sighed heavily. Well, that's a question. I tucked my hair behind my ear before explaining everything to her

"Well, I was afraid. We're rivals, Sarah. We can't just get together like that. So, I asked Aaron to keep it a secret. I wasn't sure how Kayden and his family gonna react? I just wanted sometime to think everything through. That's why I kept everything secret."

Sarah listened to my rant quietly. Finally, when I concluded she muttered

"Although, I'm hurt that you also didn't tell me but I got your point. I know it must not be easy for you and Aaron. But I hope you two will stick together this time. Don't let other people chose for you, Ana. If you two really love each other, than no-one has the right to pull you apart."

My eyes once again watered. Sarah is so supportive and understanding. Why can't Kayden understand me too? Why can't he see the bright side of my relationship?

"You really have no issue with my relationship with Aaron?"

Sarah shrugged before answering

"No, Ana. I always knew you and Aaron gonna find your way back together. Secretly, in my heart, I always rooted for you two. I'm estatic to learn about your relationship. I hope you two stick together with each forever."

A small smile pulled up on my lips. I thanked her. Some of the tension was lifted off my shoulders. Atleast one the closest person to me is by my side. I hope Kayden would also understand me like the way Sarah does.

"But wait a second, why did you sound so depressed and upset on the call? Is there more you want to tell me?"

Sarah asked. I guess, it's time I tell her each and everything.


"I'm sorry Ana but your brother is a nut case. I seriously doubt if he even has some brain cells."

Sarah muttered annoyingly. After I told the fiasco with Kayden, she got angry. Sarah was never a big fan of Kayden. They both always bicker whenever they came in one picture. Sarah kept pushing his buttons and he kept getting angry at her. But Sarah is Sarah. She never stops. She never misses a chance to annoy him.

She mostly did all of that because of me. She knew how Kayden acted with me and she doesn't like it a bit. She knew I won't do anything so she took everything in her hands. I told her so many times not to do it because once someone got added to Kayden's red list, it will be a miracle if he spare them. But as I say, Sarah is Sarah.

No-one can stop her from doing what she wants.

"You did right. It's time he understands that his sister is not a child. You can take your decisions by yourself."

Sarah once again quipped. I nodded my head. But still there's a guilty feeling in me. I never once saw Kayden so dejected. So disappointed. I felt awful just by thinking that I was the cause of his disappointment yet again. After all, he's my brother. I don't like when he's sad or upset.

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