Chapter 16: A mystery of the past Unknown

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        "So wait....your telling have no clue why you glowed?" Floyd mumbles softly and Branch hums in thought rocking in his chair. "Yeah...and it never happened before...only slight pains here and there..." Clay lays upside down on the counter smiling "Maybe something unlock something from within you!!" Jd walks in with some tea handing it to Peri "Come on clay!! That only happens in comic books!" "HEY! SMATER THEN YOU SO DON'T DISS ME FOOL! Besides how else will we explain it..." Spruce soon hums softly "If...and I mean 'IF' Clay is right what would happen if he unlocked it all?-" Clay pops out from in between the couch cushions smiling "MAYBE A SUPER COOL SPUPER MOMENT!!!!" JD facepalms sighing soon freezing seeing Peri stand up "Pack your bags brozone if any of you are coming with...I...Need to unlock more of what this all means..." Floyd stands grabbing Peri's hand gently "I'll go with you to the ends of the earth with you darling..." he says softly fingers twirling Peri's ring. Branch smiles as he stands as well "Not like I'm going to let my brother in law get hurt!" Clay laughs jumping on Peri's back "AND I WANNA SEE A SUPER COOL SUPER MOMENT!!!" Spruce slowly stands smiling softly "I'll go to keep everyone in line and alive..." JD sighs harshly frowning "FIIIIINNNNEEE....Let's...go on  the bro-bro quest-"

Sorry for the short chapter and slow updating...Winter has been beating me up along with all the Christmas baking-

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