"Chand" she whispered.

She stumbled out of the wreckage, leaning on something for support. As she waited for help to arrive, Tara couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief. Now Tara was feeling dizzy as if she will fall anytime.

Now Tara couldn't hold herself she had no energy, she fainted and the last thing she remember was someone holding her .

Here in office Aaditya was waiting for Tara's call. He himself tried to call her but her phone was switched off. He thought she may be busy with her work and forget to call her but after an hour Aaditya lost his patience. He called his men and asked to track Tara down when suddenly he got call from Viyaan.

"Hello bhaiya...bhaiya woh...woh bha...bhabhi" hearing him shutter the words Aaditya heart was crust he knew something had happen.
" Kya Kya huwa Viyaan Tara ko .....kaha hai Tara....bol na kyun nahi bol raha hai TU"Aaditya shouted. The men standing next to him were so scared to see his reaction.

" Bhaiya... Bhabhi she..she got into an accident she is in hospital"

" What, how,Which hospital, where is it, tell me? How is she ? How is my Tara,She is fine right?, tell me which hospital is that I will be there within 10 minute."Aaditya panicked here.He was unable to think what was going on here,the only thing that he wanted was to see Tara. Aaditya rushed out of the company and sat inside his car. All the employees were shocked to see him in such a rush. Aaditya without thinking about anyone was Crossing the speed limit. He just wanted to reach the hospital as soon as possible.

Aaditya went to the hospital told by Viyaan. He rushed inside the hospital and saw Viyaan and other family members. Everyone was crying. As soon as Aaditya went inside he rushed to the operation theater but was stopped by the nurse.

"Sir you can't go inside, doctor is checking on a patient"

"What? What do you mean by I can't go inside my wife is inside and I want to see her. Is she okay ?"

"Sir I can understand but I can't allow you"

"What do you mean by you can't allow me? Did you hear that my wife is inside?" Aaditya shouted and grabbed everyone's attention.
Soon Viyaan came and pulled Aaditya from there .
"Bhai you can't shout here,this is hospital"

"Didn't you see they are not allowing me to see her?" Aaditya shouted again ,he was breathing heavily and was sweating. He looked so tensed and everyone was looking at him. It was the first time he didn't look like THE AADITYA SINGHANIA ,his eyes were red due to crying,his shirt was drenched with sweat, his shoes were not cleaned,his face looked pale.

Viyaan and everyone convinced him to stay silent but Aaditya being Aaditya didn't listen to anyone he was walking back and forth in the hallway when suddenly the doctor came out of the room.

He rushed toward the doctor.
"Doctor how is she? Is she fine? Can I meet her?"he asked questions continuously.
"Yeah she is out of danger but she should still be under supervision.

"Doctor can I meet her"
"She isn't awake but you can see her"
Without listening to second word he rushed toward the room where Tara was sleeping.
He looked at her,her face was pale and she looked tired. He knew she was sleeping still he sat next to her and held her hand in his and had tears in his eyes .
"Lavender please wake up,please talk to me,please open your eyes.you know it's hurting me seeing you like this here just here"he said while pointing toward his heart."

"Baccha please don't play games with me,please wake up,see your Chand is here with you please look at me once. You don't want to cry right? Then please look at me once. Baccha please it's hurting.....you know once you wake up I will do whatever you want,we can talk,we can got to your favorite place and even do everything you like but just please wake up. I love you baccha please uth Jao"he said without realising what he was saying right now he just was crying.


As I got out of his office I don't know what happynut the world around me seemed to stop. All I remember was calling Chand and then everything went blank.
I don't know after how many hours I seemed to be conscious but I felt a warm hand around my hand and a voice that made me felt alive again. I had no energy to open my eyes so I was just listening. It was his voice,it was my chand's voice but he was crying . It hurts to see him crying but I couldn't to anything was it because of medicine or I had no energy .he was speaking to me,he had my hand in his,he was crying and it hurts.

ut then thing that I heard made my heart stop.
"I love you baccha"he said and cried.
A drop of tears flow down my cheek. I knew I loved him but never thought he feels the same way. It was the worst thing that I couldn't wake up and reply to him.
He was just speaking and crying,all I want to do was hug him and tell him I love him too but it was impossible. Soo. I heard few more voices it was of my family.

"Bhai is babahi fine?" It was viyaan's voice.
But Aaditya didn't reply,he just left my hand and soon the shutting of the door sound was produced.
"Why did he left?"
"I wanted him to be with me"
"I wanted him here with me"
"Was...was he unsure about his feeling"
"Did he regret telling me that"
"Did he regret falling in love with me?"

All these questions were going in my mind. I didn't heard anything that my family was speaking,all I want to hear was him.

Again the door opened and he asked everyone to leave.
I wasn't sure if everyone left or not but there was complete silence, suddenly he spoke.

"I know this is not a right place to say anything but I can't hold any longer I love you Tara ,I love you so much. "He said and hugged me and I don't know when I didn't hear anything again.


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