chapter 3

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content warnings: insects

He sighed and dumped the eggs in the trash, then whispered an apology to the discarded food.
"C'mon, don't be too sad. We don't have to worry about you getting food poisoning again like you did last year."
"I was gonna make an omelet, but those were the last eggs we had. Mom and Mama haven't come back from outside the town yet?" Kamiko scrubbed at the pan.
"We can just go to the market. How hungry are you?"
"Mm... not too hungry. But I'd still like something to eat, it'd be wrong to get rid of those eggs without getting something else."
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'm a bit hungry myself, just woke up."
"What did you dream about?"
"If they're there, I can give Sun-Min the bug I found under my bed."
Jinhai pulled a tan bug with black spots out from his pocket. It remained completely still in his hands.
"I, uh. I think I grabbed it a little bit too hard.
"Ick," Kamiko muttered. "I'll go get a baggie for you to put that in."

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