Chapter 4

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Abhyansh gave his full attention to Ranveer.
"What do you want to talk about her?" asked Abhyansh.
"You don't know anything about her,what she is going through and how she is suffering just because of this alliance,because of you!"Ranveer bursted in anger.
Abhyansh's face was etched with confusion.
"Do you remember 4 yrs ago it was my marriage and she was not present in the functions?"
"Yes,I remember that,I thought that she was not there because of her safety issues as her life is in danger.
But is there any other reason?"

"Yes,and that reason is your family!
because of your family I was not able to bring her out for even a single day.
They didn't let me bring her out even for an hour,she used to cry whole day inside her room,she wanted to come out and enjoy the functions but was not able to as your grandmother refused.I told her that the gaurds will be there with her but she refused,I requested her a lot to let Gauravi enjoy and be out for a day but she refused saying that Gauravi cannot come out infront of so many people as its dangerous for her but the main reason was that she got her first periods and in your family the ladies were told to be inside their room for 7 days and there are restrictions on them like they cannot be in any of the auspicious functions,they cannot meet the males of their family not even their brother or father,they cannot touch anyone and they are allowed outside after 7 days of their periods that too after they had a cleansing bath.
Don't you think it is too much for the ladies?
Don't you think it was too much for Gauravi?How she would have survived those days and upon that it was her first time, her brother was getting married and she was not allowed outside?
Do you know how she was feeling when she was restricted to come in her brothers wedding and that too because of periods?
It was her first time,I don't know how she would have felt,how she coped up with her cramps?
She would have been scared.
You know she was very happy when she got to know that I am getting married and she will be allowed outside the palace in my wedding,she was so excited for the wedding,she even selected her clothes and accessories for each and every function but at the end she was not allowed to come in my wedding she to her periods and it was all ruined for her,her freedom to experience the outer world was snatched from her due to her periods,she was all alone in those days,nobody was there to take care of her as everybody was busy in the preparations and also your grandmother did not allow us to meet her.I was not able to go and check on her because of your family or should I say your grandmother,she did not allow me to go as she thinks it is inauspicious."

"What are you saying,these rituals are not there in my family,you misunderstood, the reason might be something else and more important"

"I am saying the truth,the truth which is hidden from you by your family"

"These rituals were prevalent in olden times but now we do not follow them.So how can it be possible that dadisa refused to let her come out of the room for this reason?"

"Things are hidden from you, Abhyansh,do you think these rituals are not prevalent now?
Tell me who makes the food in the kitchen?"
"Most of the time the cook makes the food but some days maa sa cooks.
But why do you ask?"
"Does she cooks continuously for 5 to 6 days and your cook does not come?"
"Yes,she cooks for 5 to 6 days saying she wanted to cook for me or for someone else.She tells that she has given a leave to the cook for some days or sometimes she says that the cook has taken leave due to her personal works."
"Your maa sa comes everyday out of her room to have food with everyone or does she not?"
"Yeah she comes everyday but some days she says she is not feeling well so she has her food in room itself.
Wait a second,do you mean to say that this practice still exists in my palace?"

"Yes,my friend,it still exists and you did not come to know about this as they were successful in hiding it from you."
"But why?"
"Because they do not want you to know about these things or precisely about how they behave with the ladies as you do not like these rituals and practices the ladies have to follow but these rituals are still prevalent  in your palace."

"How do you know about this which I do not know by being in the palace itself?"

"There are many things which I know and are hidden from you, even about her."

"tell me everything,I want to know everything about her."

"The things which I told you were meant to be hidden from you but I was not able to contain my anger with what happened today and I stormed into your office and blamed you for everything which occured previously.

I am sorry I could not control my anger and bursted on you."

"It's ok my friend,I understand it that you said those words in anger but I want to know each and everything that happened with her in the past which I am unknown to and were hidden from me and first of all I would like to know what happened this morning that you barged into my office and bursted on me like this.
Please fill in the information."

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