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This story is just a fanfic and all of this is just my imaginary

Zee's pov

Ok guys lets start, who want's to go first??

"Me" I said

"Ok, truth or dare" my friend said

"Dare" I said

"I want you to make Nunew fall Inlove with you" My friend said while looking in Nunew

Note: They're In the club

"Just that.....tsk easy" I said with full confidence

"Ohhh your so strong huhh" My friend said then we laugh

Nunew's pov

Im here at the bar too but in other table while drinking my wine and watching zee they are playing game right now

Yes he is my crush since I join the company

He is so handsome and so gentleman he is the man of my dream

But yeah I know it's Impossible for us to be together cause I hear he is straight and never got interest in a boy

So here I was daydreaming about him but my friend suddenly crash that

"hey look over there zee and his friends are playing let's play too" I just roll my eyes and nod.

"okay let's play truth or dare. Since it's only the two of us I'll ask a question first. Truth or dare?" I just take a sip on my wine "truth"

"ohh.. Okay, do you have a crush on zee?" I widen my eyes. How did she know? Im sure I just keep it a secret

"how did you-"she cut me off "its obvious" she laugh

"really" gosh Im embarrasing my self

"Yes, Infact all of us know. Even if you don't tell us we can sense and I think he can too" she said while smiling

"He?" I ask

"Your crush dummy, you've been staring at him the whole night and he's been stealing glance at you also" My cheek suddenly got hot

He is stealing glance on me ,oh gosh!!!


Wohoooo Another story it is....... TBC

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