chan: no! of course not! why- why would i ask YOU out!

seungmin: wha-

chan: t-theres nothing wrong with you?- i- i just i dont know!- im sorry?- i- i have to go- im not asking you o-out?- you have a boyfriend..

he said before quickly running away leaving seungmin there confused and upset.

seungmin: chan! wait up!. your wrong!!.

he said quickly following behind and then pulling chan into the nearest supply closet

chan: ya?! what the fuck seungmin?

seungmin: no! what the fuck you!

chan: you cant just drag me into a supply closet!

seungmin: and you cant drop a fat ass bomb on me like that and run away denying it!

chan: i have class you know??

seungmin: please! your always ditch your classes suck it up!

chan: what is this about? im sorry i said i could'nt go to prom with you- happy- you have boyfriend! i wasn't going to get between you guys!.

seungmin: shut up! for fuck sake! you know you jump to conclusions really fucking fast.

chan: but you kissed him?-

seungmin: jokingly!..i was cheering him up! we talked about this yesterday! come on! he got played by changbin! god your dumb

chan: i- i sorry- i- i didn't mean anything i said- its just when i get nervous or something- i just blurt shit out and i- i wow your really close to me- is this closest getting smalle-

before chan could say anything else seungmin looked up at him with a confused face

seungmin: calm down..your just anxious chan- and that's perfectly fine..

chan smiled a little while looking down at seungmin in which seungmin then blushed a bit

chan: probably..not the best place- but if felixs p-plan works..can you maybe go to uhm- prom with me?.

seungmin laughed before hugging chan smiling

seungmin: id love to chan.

chan: b-but only for prom..then afterwards we cant talk and stuff. cause the roles..sorry..

seungmin then pulled from the hug before nodding a bit and backing up

seungmin: way to ruin the moment..

chan: i didnt mean to- im sorry- i-

seungmin then covered chans mouth with his hand and shook his head

seungmin: calm down. your getting anxious again. proms not till the end of the month.

chan: yeah?..

seungmin: you still have time to change date.

chan: why would i change?.

seungmin: what will your group think of you going with a slacker?

chan: it doesn't matter..i want to go with you-

seungmin smiled before nodding in which chan then cleared his throat

chan: so..its kinda hot in here dont you think?~

seungmin rolled his eyes before slapping the back of his head

seungmin: your an idiot if you think im letting you get me that easy?

chan: oh? and when could i get you?

seungmin: hmmmm..

he said quietly before stepping closer to chan making him back up against the wall blushing a bit in which seungmin smirked before getting closer to chans face before whispering in his ear "you can get me maybe durning prom..and well outside of school i guess?..or is that to much?..hmm bahng chan?~ is sneaking around outside of school to risky?~ we wouldn't want your popular title getting ruined for messing with a slacker would we now?~" chan just smirked before wrapping his arms around seungmins waist pulling him in closer before then whispering in his ear "if this is your attempt to make me failed baby, i may get anxious fast but im not that easy. either~" seungmin just giggled while blushing

seungmin: gosh chan your gonna be an interesting guy to be with huh?

chan: i mean maybe interesting in bed but other then that-

seungmin just rolled his eyes and softly placed a kiss on chans cheek

seungmin: ill see you later. i have to get back to class before i get detention

chan just smiled a bit before seungmin walked out the supply closet and walked to his class while chan went to his.


words - 1162

goodbye - 09

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