Chapter 4: Avian Get back

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Third Person POV

It was a new day in Viridian City, and the sun was high in the sky, shining its warm rays upon the town below. At the Viridian City Pokémon Center, both Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny were standing behind a counter as the nurse was on the computer.

She was talking to the owner of another Pokémon Center, where she sent all the Pokéballs during Team Rocket's attack. They were lucky that they had all those Pikachu to use for power because if they didn't, all of those Pokémon would be in the grubby hands of Team Rocket. The owner of the Pokémon Center in the next town was Nurse Joy's sister.

Nurse Joy 2: "Your Viridian City Pokémon have been transported safely"

The first Nurse Joy smiled at the one on the computer.

Nurse Joy: "Thanks sis, Issei and Misty are heading your way to Pewter City. That is... if they can get through the Viridian Forest"

Officer Jenny placed a hand on Nurse Joy's shoulder, getting her attention as she smiled.

Officer Jenny: "Those two will be alright, besides, he is Isabella's kid"

Nurse Joy: "That is true"

The Nurse Joy on the computer giggled.

Nurse Joy 2: "If he is Isabella's kid, then I better prepare for his arrival. I'll start sending all the Pokéballs you transferred over as soon as I can"

The first Nurse Joy nodded her head, but then she remembered something.

Nurse Joy: "Wait, how many are there? There should be at least 50"

This confused the second Nurse Joy, 50 Pokéballs? She didn't remember there being that many.

Nurse Joy 2: "Sorry, Sis. I've only received 49 from you. So there's still one missing"

Officer Jenny: "Well, that's not good"

Nurse Joy nodded in agreement.

Officer Jenny: "What Pokémon's missing?"

Nurse Joy: "It's a... Nidoran"

Meanwhile, in the Viridian Forest, named after the town close by to it, the Viridian is known to be a hot spot for all sorts of Pokémon, mainly bug types though. It was a large cluster of dense trees and bushes that seemed to stretch for miles and miles. However, there was a pathway made for travelers to follow, but the problem was that no one knew what kind of Pokémon was hiding within the forest.

This wasn't going to stop a certain brown-haired boy because following the path would lead Issei to his next destination, Pewter City. From what he knows, it's where he shall face his first Gym. The boy didn't know much about the Gym except that it was a must-visit so he can get some battle experience for his Fennekin.

Speaking of which, Issei was currently walking down the pathway with Fennekin walking next to him. She was a lot better now and even got a little experience from her battle with Team Rocket, with the help of that Nidoran.

It sucked that he had to give that Pokémon back, he kinda liked it, but he was sure that at some point he'll find one of his own to use. He's gonna have to since he figures that Team Rocket will be a recurring problem for him in the near future.

Ddraig: ['Hey, Partner. You seem to be deep in thought?']

Issei: 'Yeah, just thinking about all that has happened the last two days...'

Issei was soon cut off as he heard a scream, causing both him and Fennekin to stop walking and turn to see Misty running over to him.

Misty: "Ahhhh!!!"

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