I'm still stronger than you!!!

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A/N: Hello my crazy people, hahaha!!! Time to see Shizu-chan be weak for one for his life!!! Sorry, for you monster lovers!!!


~Izaya pov~

' what happened to me!! ' Izaya thought to himself while running to find the 'Monster'. "What the hell is that smell! It smells so bad!!" Izaya looks around to findout what theheck that smell was coming from. "Someone is calling me, but it sounds like my voice, I look in the detection where the voice was coming from and saw my body it had Shizu-chan murders eyes. "Shizu-chan!?" I look at the monster with widen eyes.

~Shizuo pov ~

I look around to see if my body is anywhere to be seen, then I saw it my body and I knew who was in my body. "IIIIIZZAAYYAA!!!!" I march to the flea who was now staring at me with widen eyes. When I was in front of the flea I saw how short I was, 'Izaya needs to grow aome inches.

~Normal pov ~

We both stared at eaxh for a couple of minutes before Shizuo broke the silence. " Flea what did you do to me!?" "Why are you blaming me, even if I did switch are body's I wouldn't had did it to myself!" Shizuo growled and punch the flea with all his anger. Izaya just stood and laugh at the so called " monster". "Hahahahaha, shizu-chan your weak now that I have your body. Wait does that mean I have your monster strength." Izaya smirks and look at the defenseless Shizu-chan."Hey flea stop smirking in my body it doesn't look right!!" "Buuut Shizuuu-chaaan!!!" Shizuo grabs Izaya and starts to walk to Shinra's house.

~Shinra pov~

'KNOCK' KNOCK' KNOCK' 'who is knocking on the door' I thought to myself while opening the door. "Ow hello Izaya and Shizuo!!" The underground docter said cheerfully. "FIX IT" I was shock that Izaya shouted like he was Shizuo-kun and I just stared at him. "FIX IT!!!!" "Ow sorry shinra for the monsters behavior" Izaya smirks. My eyes widen so big that I thought there were going to pop. " w-w-what h-happened to you guys!!!" Shizuo glared at Shinra. "Shizuo you look less scary in Izaya's body" Shizuo growls and grab Shinra's shirt collar. "FIX IT OR I WILL BREAK YOU!!!!" Izaya just watch as his body act like Shizu-chan.

A/N: Okay I updated. Now my crazy people what will happen to Shinra. Ow all you Izaya fans you just saw Shizuo being weak for once!!! Yay!!! ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2015 ⏰

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