9What the heck, just happened!!!

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A/N: I don't own Durarara. I'm having my Erika moment, and I know all you had that moment before and I need something to get my mind of this. So here we go!!!!!

~ Normal pov~

" IIIIIZZAAYYAA!!" Shizuo picked Izaya by the collar of his shirt. Izaya just stared and smirked at the so called "monster", I told you flea to never come back to Ikabukkoru ever again!!!"Shizuo growled at the Information broker. Shizuo raise his fist and throws his fist to the information,but before his fist hit the information face a bright light shine blinding Shizuo and Izaya, then everything went black.

~Izaya's pov~

" ugh, what happened, my head hurts." Izaya gets up and notice that he's not in his house,but he just ignores that. Izaya walks to the bathroom and looks in the mirror, he looks in the the mirror widen eye. " What the hell! I look like Shizu-chan!!!" Izaya runs to Shizuo's room and opens the closet for clothes, all he fond was the clothes shizu-chan wears everyday. Izaya took one of the bartender clothes and put it on, then he runs out the door.

~Shizuo pov~

" ugh, where am I, what happened." Shizuo looks around the room and gets up to see where he is. Shizuo walks to the living room and saw Namie. "Ow good morning, Izaya." Shizuo look at Namie confused " Izaya? I'm not the flea" Shizuo march to the bathroom and look in the mirror, Shizuo look at his self widen eyes. "What the fuck!! What happened to me, why do I look like the flea!!"Shizuo ran to Izaya's room and put on a black shirt, jeans and the sweater that Izaya wear every day and ran out the door.

~Namie's pov~

"Well that was weird" Namie watch Izaya run out the door.

A/N:Hope you like it so far. This kinda took me off my Erika moment!! I will update soon!! ^.^

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