|| THREE ||

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George sat nervously at the table, taking bites out of his food. Sapnap sat across from him, demolishing every little thing on his plate. The Brit knew the raven was often hungry because of his appetite. He'd eat everything and anything he's given. So, it was no big surprise how quickly he finished his meal. "What should we do?" Sap asked, bringing George out of his thoughts.

The older man was growing nervous as the seconds passed. He remembered how long he'd have to be alone with his friend. "What?" he asked, not catching what the raven said. Sapnap rolled his eyes as he stood up, leaning across the table. George pulled back, his back hitting the chair. He felt his face flush as Sap hummed. He kept his grey-blue eyes on George's deep brown eyes.

George often tied Sap's eye color with the clouds only because the raven had repeatedly confirmed the color to the Brit. Due to his colorblindness, he'd always ask Sapnap what color things were when he couldn't point it out himself.

"You're distracted. What are you thinking about?" Sap asked, sitting on his chair again. George let out a small sigh as he finished his food. "Nothing, I'm just tired--" he lied, picking up the plastic plate and throwing it out, along with Sap's.

He approached the couch, deciding the TV would work for background noise. As he grabbed the remote, he heard Sapnap groan. "Don't lie! I know you're thinking about something. You don't even look tired!" Sap pointed out, huffing as he sat down with George.

The Brit frowned. He hated it when Sapnap got upset. He had no idea if it was because they were friends or because of his unconditional love for him. For both reasons, it was because he'd get worried. George always wanted his friend to have a smile on his face. Whenever Sapnap was upset, visible or not, George would do anything to bring that beautiful smile into the spotlight.

"Tell me. What's on your mind?" Sap asked, resting his head against George's shoulder. The Brit sighed as he turned to look at the raven. His face flushed a deep red, but he couldn't turn away as Sap kept his eyes on him. Whenever the younger did that, George and the rest of their friends couldn't turn their attention to something else until they answered—unless they wanted Sapnap to ask until their ears fell off.

"Nothing, it's just that we've never been alone for this long," George said, barely above a whisper. Sapnap smiled as he leaned back, still keeping his eyes on the Brit. "Are you scared or something? What's wrong with being alone with me for more than ten minutes?" Sap asked.

The older man chuckled nervously as he tried to think of a way to change the subject. But there was no use. Sapnap would ask again and again.

And again. George shrugged, "I'm not scared. It's just odd."

"Hmm, let's find something to do then!" Sap smiled, jumping up and pulling the Brit upstairs. George could feel his heart pound heavily in his chest. He could even hear it in his ears, beating loudly. All he could hope for was that Sapnap couldn't make it out.


George hadn't stopped feeling that ache in his chest. He felt horrible. The Brit hated admitting how uncomfortable he was being alone with Sapnap. However, his dear friend didn't think anything of it, knowing they should be comfortable if they hung out alone again.

So, to calm George's nerves, Sapnap put music on his television upstairs. He turned the volume up loud enough that they couldn't hear anything else. The Brit was confused, wondering what the raven's plan was. Whatever it was, though, George would be happy. Anything that his friend did made his heart flutter.

Even if George had that ache in his chest, Sapnap would take it all away. All he had to do was act like he always did. "What are we going to do?" George asked, looking up at the music playing on the screen. The lyrics were shown so they could follow along. George assumed they would try to sing the song like in karaoke.

"We are going to dance!" Sapnap smiled, grabbing George by his hands and pulling him up from the bed. The Brit chuckled, "Sap, I can't dance."

"I can't either, but it wouldn't hurt to try!" he said, jumping around. George laughed as he watched the raven, feeling his heart pound heavily. Beating loudly in his ears, almost loud enough like the music. These were moments he loved most, where Sapnap let loose around the Brit—while Dream was there—showing the brunette pieces of himself nobody else saw.

Well, pieces that only Dream and George saw. At times, Dream would be confused at how surprised George would get at things Sapnap does. However, it was because Dream saw them before George ever had. The Brit didn't care about it, though. All he cared about was Sapnap and his happiness.

Sapnap twirled around, stopping to look at George. A plain expression covered his face as he crossed his arms. "What?" the brunette asked. His face flushed, warmth spreading across his cheeks as Sap eyed him.

"You aren't dancing! This won't be any fun if I'm the only one," Sapnap pouted. George smiled as he rolled his eyes. "Fine, just this once."

Sapnap frowned, "but it'll just be a 'me and you' type of thing."

George felt his heart ache once again as he saw the look of sadness on Sap's face. However, it took him a moment to realize what his friend had said. "A 'me and you' type of thing..." George smiled and let out a sigh. Sapnap smiled happily as he wrapped his arms around the Brit, not noticing his raging heartbeat and stiff body.

"Come on, then! Let's dance!" Sapnap giggled as he pulled George around, dancing to the music. George smiled as he began to let loose a tad, deciding it wouldn't hurt to show himself more to Sap. As long as his true feelings didn't come out. "Just act normal," he thought.

To Be Continued... :0

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