chapter 1: here we go again

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i wake up to my alarm blasting in my ear like an....alarm. 'ugh do i ..really have to go to school today' i groan, monday again , i really hate mondays becuase it is the start of the week where my amazing , incredible, wonderful bullying begins. i just love to get bullied and given emotional tramua :) but... i have to do what i got to do. mysmall conversation with myslef is cut short by the sound of obnoxsious motocycles running around on my lane.
i get up , my feet hitting the cold hard floor almost scaring me by how cold and hard it is, and look out of my window only to get blinded by the sun 'damn! that is one bright sun tf' , i yelled in absolute shock.
as my eyes adjust to the blinding light i see a sad excuse for a human ' hi' i groan , i've barely gotten out of bed and i already dread the day. wait I'VE BARELY GOTTEN OUT OF BED, I NEED TO GET READY, by this realisation i didn't even let buzz responed before i close my blinds and jump into to the shower, ' im gonna be late, im gonna be late' i repeat to myself. after getting ready and getting dressed, i put my coat and bag on , tell my parents im leaving and rush out of the house . 'heyy sweet cheeks', i look over to see the face attached to that annoying voice .. it was buzz.L .'hi buzz no time to chat'i say with clenched teeth, there are 8.2 billion people in the world but sadly this is the person that i see everyday.
' what every, loser, anyway look like trash kys' and with that he slammed my books to the hard concrete ground 'love yewwwwww', as he said that he got on his bike and sped of. ' I HATE YOU!' i yelled as i picked my books off the ground ' and now my books are dirty, dipstick' i grumbled as a put my books in my bag.
i got on my bike , put on my music and rushed to school

at school:
'heyy clarabear, how are you girl?' the voice of joy and happiness was my best friend robin, robin is an absolutute sweetheart,the world doesn't deserve her
'hi ro, ro, im doing bad but that's nothing out of the ordirnary' i say rolling my eyes playfully.
' oh c'mon lar what happend' robin said with concern on her beautiful face
' the discombobulated ratatuoi showed up at my house with his ugly mototcycle and slammed my books on the floor, that jerk, .. as if my day wasn't bad enough , someone should really take his motorcycle away'
'ugh i hate when that jerk makes you feel bad , i swear i am gonna slap his face off one day'
me and robin laughed so hard that day , but my laughter was cut short by the screeching of simp- i mean girls as the jerk himself walked down the hall. Girls were throwing themselves at his feet while his two friends, woody and slinky, trailed behind him,
'hey buzz' woody said ' you know  lar , i think their kinda hot'
buzz almost choked on his air as his friend spoke that sentence, then he got and idea
' hey lar, you know you'll be alot more prettier if you weren't your disgusting, book worm self'
the entire hall way erupted into laughter, it really hurt me but i got a snarky comeback to say back
' hey buzz you'll be alot more handsome if you weren't a discombobulated,self obsessed, snobby, ugly, disgusting,crazy,poser,pot bellied, stain to humainty, peice of CRAP!'
the hall way was so silent that you could hear a pin drop but that was soon cut short as buzz said
'you have a zit right there'
the hallway was loud and noisy again, i wanted to cry but i just rushed to class
'lar, wait!' robin called out but i was already gone
'wanna skip class with me sweet cheeks' buzz purred
'as if ,you rat' robin said with a disgusted look on her face then she rushed of

class was quick ,i tried to avoid buzz and successfully did.
after the final bell i rushed to the benches to meet robin but saw buzz tryna sweeten her up
'dude leave me alone!' robin cried
' just one night with me and you won't regret it, honey' buzz smirked
' yo! leave her alone you rat' i said as i ran to buzz. one thing led to another and buzz was one the floor clutching his... bowling balls ' ...bitch' buzz groaned. i was too scared to stick around so i grabbed robins arm and rushed out of the school without a secound thought,grabbing our bikes as we spead off
we succesfully got out of the school and were on the lane home.
' wow lar!, thank you for saving me from that jerk'
' hey its no problem, its just what friends are for' i smiled at her warmly, no one messes with my bestie
we arrvied at our houses , good thing we live just down the block. 'try to wake up early tomorrow m'kay' robin said with a grin on her face ' alright alright i will, mabye' i joked playfully , ' whateves' she said as she put her bike in the rack.
' see you tomorrow' she exclaimed ' alright see ya' i yelled back.
i went inside, took my coat and jacket off, put my bag down, got into my home clothes and streched my limbs across my bed
'4 more days left' i said with a sigh. i already did all my homework so i took a little nap.

an hour later:
'hey sweet cheeks , come outside and let's talk' that voice..... it was ......


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